
Yes, but neither Yaser nor Adnan remember that being the sequence of events. Discount Adnan all you want, but wouldn't that sort of exchange stand out to Yaser?

Interestingly enough we don't have any phone records after 10:30PM the night of the 13th. So we really don't know what the records would show.

personally i think it the 315 call.

Is that sarcasm?

And then the next calls move towards Leakin Park.

6:59 call to Yaser clearly connects to Adnan. The calls to Jen (presumably made by Jay) start at 7:00, even if you put the 6:59 call outside of the park, the fact that the Jen Pager call immediately happens after it would place Adnan and Jay together.

I've been with you up until this post, so let me answer the questions you ask:

I actually would say this podcast was the opposite of the gossipy nature of past ones. At one point the hosts ask Rabia for her theory and she refuses to provide one.

6 inches was Jay's guess… 8 to 12 is more reasonable to inter a skinny girl.

Let's say Hae died at 3PM. The ice storm didn't start until about 3AM (according the Sarah). Assuming the ground was frozen, according to Jay (and supported by Hae being slightly visible) the grave was less than a foot deep. Not impossible. Storm wouldn't have messed with the cell tower.

Hae's car was at the Park-n-Ride in the hours after her murder.

I see that it is a complete theory, but it makes less sense than Adnan killing and having Jay help him dispose.

Didn't mean to mislead… maybe 6 weeks.

A cop is trained, and probably has a usual routine which takes them by the place where the car was found and presumably sat for months. Although Jay's description of "behind a row of houses, on a grassy hill" implies the car was hidden… but for months?

That theory doesn't work for me.

We agree on the porn store point. I wasn't clear, but i was saying the prosecutor knew it was on a different day and tried to hide that fact.

"Why would your favor some convoluted premeditation scheme over plain old heat-of-the-moment rage?"

You are assuming Jay presented it to the police that way and not that the police presented it to Jay that way.

I didn't mean it to seem like I was attacking you, but i'm curious… Why is it compelling? What about it is compelling?

Fair point, I had forgotten about the wounded Muslim male motive (debating changing wounded to maimed or maligned for the alliteration).