
It tastes like Hawaiian punch.

For me, the fact of the matter was that any episode with screaming Abed was not going to be an episode I would enjoy. That's probably not an ideal way to view the show, but for me that noise that Abed made was emblematic of the blatant disregard for character that Season 3 showed. If the people making the show didn't

when love is gone
where does it go

I scored over 150 points in pokemonz today, so there

SG Standard, is that an EDSBS reference I espy in your team name?

Yeah, it's not ideal.

The last time I dressed up for Halloween was when I was 9, I think.

The correct response would probably to ask an advisor. Are you planning to fail any of your classes? I don't think I'm a great student but that's never been a possibility during my time in college.

My language (Bengali) doesn't show up a lot in American culture. I remember a point near the beginning of The Avengers when the characters go to Calcutta and talk to people on the street. At first that excited me, but then they started talking and it was in fucking Hindi. They went to the trouble of translating the

I should ditch class and listen to Arcade Fire. That would be a good use of my time.

Who said it?

I don't think I've ever connected emotionally with an album more than with The Execution of All Things.


For whatever reason, on Old Disqus I can't click the box at the top to post new comments (although I can still post replies just fine), so I guess from now on when I'm not replying I'll just be DISQUS_Spider.

Oh, this from last night's Parks and Recreation is fun.

You don't have enough things open.

So I must have clicked something, because somehow this tab went to some other page and now I've lost Old DISQUS on Opera. Fortunately I still have it open in IE.