Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Some kind of gluttony kami, I guess?

I don't remember how I found it, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a recommendation from Hulu. (That would mean their recommendation algorithm actually works, which we all know is a preposterous concept.) All I know is I saw Paul F. Tompkins and puppets, thought "Holy shit, I need to see this," and it's been languishing

It is on Hulu, actually. I had no idea it was available on YouTube, though.

My god. It's full of stars.

Hampsters. Show some respect.

Like the hot sauce thing last week? It made me think that something like "Jon Blacksplains Stuff For Stephen" could make a good recurring segment.

Spring-Heeled Jack, obviously

So much Mangan. Think there's any chance he'll get another shot at Dirk Gently on the upcoming BBC America series? If not, there's always the Doctor…

Alternately, one could interpret that Tweet of a mural depicting an Aquaman who looks nothing like Snyder's version as Wan expressing tacit solidarity with the unhappy fanbase. Just sayin'.

The Great Hart Barrier will fall in the near future.

Only because Conan thrives on awkwardness.

I think he left the Report because he was exhausted. But this gig is even more work.

Just turn off Jon's microphone.

Ha HA! Yeah!

The show needs a band, but Colbert definitely doesn't need a bandleader to talk to. Why is that even a thing? Talk show hosts with sidekicks work; bandleaders as sidekicks have never worked and never will. (Maybe Fred Armisen, but he's a comedian.)

Much coffee was spilled during the Battle of Toms River in the Great Convenience War. The gasoline fumes could be smelled as far as Perth Amboy, where they almost overpowered the stench of Raritan Bay. Even between brothers fistfights still break out over whether they're subs or hoagies.

No, they're just very similar. Both sprang up in the mid-'60s - Wawa in the Philly suburbs and QuickChek in central NJ - and happily coexisted until their expanding territories started to overlap near the Jersey shore. (My in-laws live in Toms River, where there is much debate as to which is superior.)

I doubt Wawa will ever make it that far north, what with all the QuickCheks springing up like dandelions.

Supes and Bats stuggle against this issue's villain while the narration boxes alternate between Superman's optimism and Batman's pessimism.

Prince’s vault has reportedly been penetrated