Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Nah, the best we're gonna get is a bunch of presidential pardons for people imprisoned on ridiculously long mandatory drug sentences, and maybe some more executive actions on immigration that will keep the Supreme Court busy for the next few years.

At a town hall somebody asked Hillary if she would consider nominating Obama to the Supreme Court. Her face lit up like it had never occurred to her. "That. That is a… very interesting idea."

If there's one host segment that completely overstayed its welcome, it's Crow's Matchgame sketch. Ugh. An impressive tour-de-force from Trace, but not at all funny.

Every one of these lifeguards is dressed slightly differently. The original Baywatch may have been cheezy, but at least they respected the uniform, goddammit.

You're probably right about that. Or they could play it up like Doom's horribly disfigured only to reveal later that tis but a scratch. I don't expect to ever see that, though.

Your wife likes it.

I think I'm waiting for DC headquarters to implode upon itself, House-of-Usher style.

Ah, the nearly impregnable 46 oz can. Don't forget to poke a smaller hole opposite the bigger one!

The villains stink but the actors playing the 4 are at least up to it.

That would work, although I'm partial to the interpretation that Victor has a relatively small scar and is just too vain to let anyone see it, as it would belie the otherwise perfect being that is Doom.

He was just following Superman's advice.

My personal rule (though I've heard others come to the same conclusion) is that Gen Y remembers life before the internet, whereas Millennials were born swimming in a sea of instant information. I was born in 1981, so could go either way, but since I never touched a computer with internet access until I was 17, I

I hoping Cosmo gets at least one significant scene in Volume 2.

As far as I'm concerned Phineas Horton's Synthetic Man spent the war flambéing Nazi fifth columnists in and around NYC.

You can find some pretty funny X-Mans toys at the dollar store. I think Spader-Man is one of the X-Mans.

Blind, uses echolocation to orient himself, eats his weight in mosquitoes every night: sounds like a Batman to me. (They left the mosquito thing out of the Netflix series, but Affleck eating a big bowl of skeeters was one of the restored scenes that made the director's cut of the movie so much better.)

You make a good point. Doom is just a nightmare to adapt for film, so I completely sympathize with them trying to tie his origin in with the FF, if only to streamline the massive infodump of exposition. And that doesn't necessarily ruin Doom. While Tim Story's movie was full of bad decisions, especially regarding

Meteorologist Storm Field?

But big computers cost more than interns.

I think it's because they're actively avoiding playing typical talk show pop arrangements, but their jazzy style just doesn't work in 20-second bursts.