Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Batiste is a great musician, just turn off his damn mic whenever Colbert is talking. "Ha HA! Yeah!"

Nice avatar/comment synergy.

Two words: Top Gun.

The full audio tour takes sixteen hours.

I distinctly recall a special feature from the first Hellboy DVD where Guillermo's inspecting an Abe Sapien maquette. "Oh, I'm so fat and ugly. And he looks like a fucking god!" (Read that in a funny Mexican accent.)

Nor were Tony Randall or Mickey Rooney. I like to think when Crow said bad actors he really meant meant bad casting. But you know how he gets when he's overexcited. He also also thought Dick and Vince Van Patten were brothers.

At the risk of sounding culturally insensitive, I can't understand half of what Ken Watanabe says in English, so I'm glad they didn't go that way.

Also why I'm expecting Strange to find the Ancient One in K'un Lun rather than Tibet. (And helping set up the Iron Fist show.)

But he was clearly phoning it in as Fu Manchu. He could read the writing on the wall and worked just hard enough to earn his paycheck.

someone in their 30s or 40s who remembers 1980s advertising

I did, when it first came in the theater in fact. I haven't seen it since then, what with there being a far superior version of Psycho (and I still have no idea what possessed Van Sant to do a shot-for-shot remake of Hitchcock or why a studio would finance it) but as I recall Vince Vaughn was very good as Norman. Both

So they're above the glass ceiling? That must make work interesting for the lower levels.

The man was born to play serial killers.

If Chicago trains are anything like New York's, that's a red letter train day. An entire train ride with no beatboxing kid trying to sell his "album" on CD-R is a cause for celebration.

I think it would be impossible for me not to enjoy a concept album about the cola wars on some level or another.

Good point.

Tony Stark was always a prick, and Reed Richards a bit of a pompous ass, but Civil War dialed it up to 11 and then ripped off the knob. I was really expecting more of the major players to be retconned as Skrulls to justify it but nope, just Hank, whose whole life has been full of poorly thought-out decisions.

Well, two of those were vehicular accidents, two were drug-related, and one was, it seems, misguided distrust of modern medicine. All of which are epidemics in their own way.

I enjoyed Civil War enough that I devoured it and all its myriad tie-ins at the time. But in hindsight it makes little sense and most of it pisses me off. A robotic clone of Thor? A prison for good guys in the Negative Zone? Cap and Punisher even briefly teaming up?

I don't believe I'd ever heard of Negativland before, but after this brief article it sounds like Richard Lyons was a way cooler dude than Prince was trying to be. Clearly I have homework to do.