Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

"How about Civil War II? People hated the first one, but it sold like crazy!"

Yeah, things can get a little stale after 55 years of monthly comics. I can't fault them for trying new things. I do reserve the right to bitch about it, though.

Was that the one that introduced the Ultimate version of the Negative Zone and Annihilus? "The first alien we meet and he's named E-Vil? I think we should go back now." When the editors have a tight rein on Millar he can do great things.

Oy. Well, at least he's a more interesting version of the character than we've been getting for a while. Reed has vacillated between the polar opposites of Ward Cleaver with a 400 IQ and faux-Asberger's "I haven't come out of my mad science lab in how many days? I should probably eat something" that a completely

All that backstory doesn't need to be addressed, though. Darth Vader shows up three minutes into Star Wars and is immediately menacing with zero explanation of who he is or what he can do. And we still don't know much more by the end.

I kinda like Johnny as socialite/reality star, but yeah, Miller's execution was poor as usual.

I'm convinced that Fox refused to let him cast a black Sue for fear of the idiots in this country who still won't accept mixed-race relationships.

I'm still not clear on how he got to use Ronan. I guess he, and the Kree in general, count as Captain Marvel characters?

A lot of people love them for what they are, but not nearly enough to make a film profitable.

Is the MCU really less rich for not having the Fantastic Four, as well?

Years later. Hey, it wouldn't be Ultimate if it didn't start off promisingly only to go off the rails in a flaming wreck!

Third time's the charm!

What a dick. At the time he claimed he turned Drax down. Something like he wasn't interested in playing another taciturn glowering killing machine.

Fear of interracial romance is why Sue had to be adopted. Jordan is inspired casting for Johnny Storm, but possibly the last smart decision made on this movie.

I think they were referring to showing movies in 3D or on IMAX screens that weren't filmed in those formats. AKA cash-grab gimmicks.

Bane pretty much did start off as a luchador, at least visually.

I love those "lost" Deadpool issues, and that they were hilarious while still impacting the main storyline of the book. And the era-specific costume designs!

Somewhere Gilbert Gottfried suffers a brief moment of inexplicable angst.

I've only read the portion included in the Alan Moore collection, and assumed it was official canon for quite a while until someone told me about the nature of that issue. I have to track down a copy; it's a cool concept and perfectly in-tune with the nature of the character.

That rule is universally applicable. It's astounding that other humans are even allowed to speak when we have Keith David at our disposal.