Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Oh, Canada, duh. I should've known that from your comment. (Late night brain fart.) Justin may not measure up to Pierre, but at least Trudeau the Lesser has that fun falling-down-the-stairs party trick. You'll never see Cameron do that. (Though I wouldn't mind seeing him take a steep drop.)

Two words: Yakkety Sax.

As she grinds a smouldering fagend into the lush £100,000 hand-woven silk rug liberated from some exotic Oriental colony.

Until she is supplanted in popularity my Princess Shapelybottom McPerkynose.

*hilarious Bahston accent* I can't believe nobody's ever named a dog Hunter before!

… Sorry, I was imagining Dick Heaven.

Corgi Wigglesbottom would've been a lock with the Queen.

Including the worst fucker of them all, Lord Andrew Lloyd Weber.

Only if said country has an exceptionally attractive pig worth invading over.

It's been my personal experience that "the internet's" behavior is not appreciably different from any other extremely large group of people. A microcosm is a microcosm. And people are insufferable douchebags. Just human nature.

I had no idea Mister Boatface has such an impressive dinghy.

"Wait Chesterton. Turn back to that last page. Hold it closer to my face, fool, you know my eyesight is weakening. Squinting causes crowsfeet. Boaty… McBoatface? Is that one of that Jew comedian's cretinous characters?"

Adam Sandler's intellectual property? Yeah, that'll hold up in court.

The Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill is used regularly by astronauts on the Tranquility module of the ISS. Colbert's had Scott Kelly on the Late Show a few times and always mentions it.

George W. Bush, the beta test for Donald Trump.

I haven't followed hockey since the '90s (I had the official commemorative Rangers Stanley Cup baseball cap and a frickin' Adam Graves poster.), but that whole story made me grin like an idiot. NHL fans are good people.

NASA's Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill or COLBERT is currently orbiting the Earth aboard the ISS.

In 1987 "DC produced a special issue of Secret Origins that postulated four possible origins." (Thank you Wikipedia.) Judas was one of the possibilities. The angel that wouldn't choose a side was Alan Moore's contribution to that issue, and was included in a Moore's Greatest DC stories collection, which is where most

Welp, time to start clicking random posts blindly…

Why didn't Brad Pitt Fights Dinosaurs on the poster?