Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

I tried watching the Supergirl pilot during a free trial of CBS All Access and after the first commercial break, the audio from ads kept playing underneath the show. Seriously. Mind-bogglingly poor service.

Glad I wasn't the only one. Stupid book! Making me feel stupid!

I just rewatched it recently, and yeah, the big problem comes from the wording. Natasha tells Bruce she can't have kids (Out of a misunderstanding of his saying he can't provide her a stable life and family.) as a segue into her horrific childhood and caps it with "Still think you're the only monster?"

It still makes a buttload of money despite leaving everyone at least a little disappointed?

As much as I love Firefly, I can't imagine reviving the show being anything but disappointing.

Huh. Replace magic robots with space zombies and you've pretty much got Firefly. Does that make River Poochie?

At least it's not a swan. They'll shiv ya.

I completely agree. I just feel like, in this particular case, one of the aspects feels untrue to the character and what she does for a living.

Waterfowl are fucking psychos. If they just had teeth, or thumbs, or brains bigger than a walnut, we'd be in a lot of trouble.

Viola Davis has so much to teach the world. I'd try to high-five her, but she'd give me the scary face and I'd wet myself.

So I just learned something from spam? I need to sit down…

I'm thinking it's a really long T-shirt with Betty Boop on it? Or maybe a novelty apron? Neither option seems out of character for Axl.

Miss Piggy?

"Interesting" like the smelly guy who sits next to you on the bus even though there are plenty of empty seats.

You can say the most horrible things as long as you have Archer's picture next to it.

I'm guessing the MacLaren P1 is their economy model. An entry-level supercar.

I'd kinda like to meet the French people who are buying tickets to see AC/DC fronted by Axl Rose. I bet they'd have interesting things to say.

That would've sounded mean-spirited if I hadn't read it in Jon Benjamin's voice.

That Geico ad made up for it.

No way, they brought that upon themselves.