Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

On behalf of America, I'd like to apologize to Europe.

… Is there still a moratorium on phrasing?

You can watch roughly 95% of the episodes on YouTube in all their VHS recorded at EP glory, the way they were originally meant to be enjoyed. The official MST3K channel even has a bunch of annotated episodes, explaining all the references, although the captions don't work through any streaming apps.

The Darth Vader comics are much more fun than they have any right to be. The evil R2 and 3PO doppelgangers are evil icing on the delicious evil cake.

Great casting until Raimi convinced him to play JJ like he was in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. He'd be great in a more restrained performance, but if it were me I wouldn't bring him back, if only to avoid reminding people of the previous movies.

Felicia's the college girl one of juniors brought to prom to impress his friends. He bought her a really nice dress in exchange for not telling anybody they're cousins. She smuggled a bottle of jäger in her purse, gets wasted, and makes out with Mary Jane. This subplot gets a solid half hour of screentime.

Openly gay but still popular and a tool? That would be pretty progressive.

*Gets very excited*

It was surprisingly clever, and makes all the hyperactivity and nonsense that precede it completely logical.

They killed Quicksilver in Age Of Ultron for the exact same reason they nonsensically left him behind for the climax of Days Of Future Past: his presence nullifies most conflicts almost before they happen. The character's inclusion makes storytelling too difficult.

Absolutely. With most series, even shows I love, I want to skip to the good stuff. Never with Futurama.

… Are you me? Earth-2 Rex?

He was a pretty good vibraphone player, but I wouldn't call him influential.

Benny Russell invented afrofuturism in 1953.

Tyler Perry presents Black Lightning

Hey sure, why not? Muppet-like creatures exist all over the place in Star Wars, so they must have a homeworld. (Planet Gonzo?)

I think you can spot him in the background at Jabba's palace in ROTJ, but not in the "special edition."

It was 1978; everything had shag carpeting: Wookiee tree bungalows, the White House, Volkswagen vans, Bea Arthur (I assume).

A not untrue statement. But even as a youngling I still wanted to be Han Solo rather than the whiny kid in space pajamas.

You're implying that that (gloriously mental) Muppet Show episode was canon at some point?