Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

This comment is an exquisite work of art. I'm stealing it.

I'd love to see Batman beat the shit out of Jeff Dunham for two hours. Then he dresses Peanut as Robin.

Brain bleach! Where's the brain bleach?!

I sorta love this idea. Having trouble imagining Kat Dennings riding a bicycle though. I'll keep trying…

Upvoted mostly for Robert Easton.

She'd be absolutely perfect to play Jen and then mo-cap She-Hulk. They could play up how much more comfortable and outgoing she is when she's green and seven feet tall.

He doesn't deserve that much respect.

My Dearest Miss Bellum,

That actually makes perfect (comic book) sense. Your No Prize is on its way.

Please, Absorbing Man is my son. Just call me Crusher. (Ugh. Absorbing Dad makes me think of Ang Lee's Hulk, and nobody wants that.)

*Jesse enrolls at the Old School from Ring Of Terror.*

Or just having any conversation at all that doesn't revolve around Barry.

There's one labelled Buoys and another labelled Gulls. Starfleet can go a little overboard with the maritime theme sometimes.

Temporal Stockholm Syndrome. It makes sense to me: either adapt to your new surroundings or suffer.

Rip just sits his crew down in front of a TV and shows them the prologue from Before The Flood. "The Doctor explains it much better than I could."

Kobra. With a K. They predate GI Joe by a couple decades but that K sure has an unavoidable generic knockoff feel.

If your library has a copy, you have no excuse. I haven't seen One, Two, Three in, jeez, nearly 20 years, yet it's stayed on my mental list of favorite comedies ever since that lucky day I found it at Blockbuster.

Maybe my sarcasm barometer is on the fritz, but the tone of this article confused me. We don't really like Leonardo DiCaprio now, do we? Because personally, that smug face of his causes involuntarily clenching. (Of the fist, teeth, and/or sphincter variety, depending on the specific situation.) At best he's one of

He gets a pass from me simply because they got an actual Aussie to play Digger.

A legitimate worry, since it's already happened, the Suicide Squad being quietly sent to the farm upstate on Arrow, for example.