Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

The Sex Pistols and "Johnny Rotten" are indisputably punk, but John Lydon's later band Public Image Ltd gets classified as post-punk. Splitting hairs, really, but who'd make a better Wolverine?

Don't forget Charles Durning, who was wounded at Normandy. You can see it in his eyes when he threatens to eat Kermit's legs.

That is one nerdy cunnilingus joke.

Good lord, it just occurred to me that by the McQueen Metric™ Tom Cruise would be America's manliest movie star.

Name another current movie star who can ride a motorcycle without it looking like Wild Hogs 2.

Give him another ten years and Daniel Craig will be perfect for the what if Steve McQueen faked his own death and is hiding out in a nursing home somewhere movie.

Hmm. Y'know, you may be on to something.

Jeremy Renner and Damian Lewis are both 44. Steve McQueen was 50 when he died but had the skin of a lucky catcher's mitt so I don't think age is a problem as long as they get production going within the next decade or so.

From the creator of Mission: Impossible With A Girl comes Mission: Impossible With A Felicity Cameo!

If only there were some salient example among previous Star Wars writers.

That little story just made my day. Thank you.

Christian Slater?

Nicholas Meyer better sleep with the lights on for a while.

Yeah, raising money for the Red Cross. Does it get any douchier?

Homer/Abe? (It's Janus; he has two faces.)

Has there ever been another opportunity to talk about John Cleese, Douglas Adams, and Doctor Who all at the same time? Or do you mention it every time you're introduced to a new person as a friendship litmus test?

You have a valid point, but it doesn't jibe with my conspiracy theory.

"A Doll's Eyes" has been mentioned a couple times, but I've personally rewatched the subway episode many times. Man, how did D'Onofrio not win the guest actor Emmy for that?

Stupid little salami brain walked right off the pier. And Frank in his dress blues saluting against orders. *sniffle* Why everybody who loved The Wire so damn much can't be bothered to check out Homicide is beyond me. What part of The Best Damn Show On Television (mid '90s) is not clear enough?

If only those films all had a common denominator we could pin the blame on… Oh yeah, Will Smith is an insufferable douche who makes poor choices. That's probably it.