Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Glad I'm not the only one. "A Doll's Eyes" was the first thing that came to mind. (Well, after Jurassic Bark, obviously.)

Your English spelling is better than 95% of Americans. Do not ever feel bad about that.

So is this another Inventory where they purposely leave out Futurama for the sole purpose of pissing us off?

he sits down and begins a monologue to his late wife, musing on how he was supposed to have been the one to go first before he breaks down sobbing, “You had no right to leave me that way, Edith, without giving me just one more chance to say I loved you.”

He should have the exact same desk from the show in his apartment, rattlesnake mug and everything, just in the background adding character to the set. Maybe the mantel too, with framed photos of Angela Lansbury and Paul McCartney. I mean come on, the only people tuning in will be cheeky monkeys. Might as well give us

As I understand it, Garrett Morris wasn't just the token black dude, but also a trained singer and theater actor surrounded by improv veterans. The deck was so stacked against him that it's amazing that he isn't more bitter. (He may be very bitter, but it doesn't show.)

Comment 50% funnier when read in Phil Hartman's voice.

I don't think he objected to the network's restrictions - he understands as well as anyone how the business works - but it became very evident the last year or two that he was frustrated by the repetitive nature of the show and the near-impossibility of doing new things with it.

He chafed at the restrictions of a late night chat show (where he basically redefined the form) but is willing to do a primetime sitcom? Either Craig's already bored to tears, or ABC borrowed the dump truck full of cash CBS lured Colbert with.

Craig is going to write a Doctor Who episode soon, right? Or did I just dream that?

So, an Alan Moore biopic, basically? That does have the potential for hilarity.

So I'm not the only one? Just a sweet, wacky flick that I'd be comfortable showing my (nonexistent) kids. So long as it doesn't lead down the dark road of Catholicism.

There's Turner Field, the Coca-Cola plant, and, um, the airport!

Plus, Flagstaff has Wurwilves.

You're absolutely right up until After Earth. Unrelatable characters is the least of its problems.

Staten Island's halfway there.

Hilariously incompetent and emotionally childish isn't so much a character trope in fiction so much as a stock character in everyday life.

You needed he external rechargeable battery pack, which dangled like a vestigial limb and weighed twice as much as the Game Gear itself. *sigh* Good times.

Virtually everything looks better when not being drawn with Greg Land porno faces.

How much would a Kickstarter need to raise to buy the FF IP back from Fox? We should wait til the new movie fizzles out, of course. Fox may still be under the false impression that they possess something valuable.