Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

"I saw Batman and Robin by myself in theaters"

I recommend the Agent Carter miniseries for some of that. Also because it's just plain fun.

I'd say anomaly rather than curiosity, but yeah, you just succinctly described what I can never articulate about why I love Cap.

Congratulations. Raided Ben's cave might be the most horrifying euphemism I've ever seen at the AV Club.

I applaud the courage it took to say that here.

I'm fully aware that they know exactly what they're doing. But they don't need to be quite so baldfaced about it.

No no no, Richard Sherman looks exactly like Clifford. Clifford would sue, but he's too chill. Also nobody's taken him out of that dusty trunk in like ten years.

Wrong. He is an extraordinary tailor.

I just made an involuntary squeal of delight at that concept.

Matthew Perry?

Hey yeah, they could've put Avatar under L if they wanted.

Over The Flintstones? Yeah sure why not?

You're absolutely wrong but I do agree that Cowboy Bebop is the only anime that belongs on this list by virtue of it being so accessible to westerners. (As well as being amazing in every possible way.)

I don't have the time or patience to itemize everything I disagree with here, but I will say that they should've limited themselves to American series, thus leaving anime out of the debate entirely.

She was in an episode of Frasier, I believe. Anyway, nah, too cute.

And he chose the name J. Elvis Weinstein because he loves Elvis Costello and, at the time, thought having the initials JEW would be hilarious.

Is she currently hiring children? I'm in the market for an adoptive family. Where should I send my resume?

It's a movie where psychics solve crimes before they happen and Tom Cruise is a detective. It's the narration you can't accept?

Not wanting to be associated with your peer group, that I understand completely.

I've been keeping my eye out for Spider-Spooge in the background of Spiderverse, but no luck yet.