Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

The entirety of Northampton is his home, good sir, and being so, the right to urinate wheresoever he pleases is his and his alone.

Then what should we call you/us? (I'm right on the cusp.) Gen Y? (Ugh) Just because "millennial" is used disparagingly by the Baby Boomers doesn't make it intrinsically offensive. Those people hate everything that's not a CBS police procedural.

The turkey's a little dry!

They really tried with Millar/Hitch's FF run. Pretty sure those two said "We cast one Marvel movie character already, let's see if we can do it again."

"Dick Grayson is redundant. He's not Robin; he's not Batman; he's just there." Meanwhile… "We need more human Green Lanterns!"

What you liked about Target is why they failed. Is that irony? I can't tell anymore.

I agree that the Gotham embargo sucked, but would any Batvillains really make an impact among these guys? Maybe Clayface or Freeze. Though I am curious to see where Ra's al Ghul would put his resources.

I have no idea who Sunshine Superman is but I assume Superman and Green Lantern ain't got nothing' on him?

Marvel and DC will be publishing for the forseeable future, as they are basically R&D for Disney and Warner Brothers films.

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Sure, but I'd say 95% of the credit for that goes to the animators who put so much emotion in Groot's facial expressions and body language.

And a horrifying place to live if you're a superhero's significant other.

the Marvel 616 world should really be a place where all the billions of people who were not yet dead should be living in a perpetual state of PTSD.

Thank you for justifying me scrolling down to the comments. I can go now.

Vin: Please please please let me voice the completely CG character who only speaks three words?

Might I humbly suggest Gemma Chan?

I have to disagree about the emotion inherent in Leela's situation. Sure, her belief that she's an alien alone on a strange planet is incorrect, but she believes that she is, which is all that matters from her - or her coworkers' - perspective. Either way, she's been an orphan all her life with no idea her parents