No cloture vote needed to end discussion of asshattery. I was leaning strongly asshat after the Bud Light commercials but am now willing to go out on a limb and make the call. Just more childish shit from Hollywood.
No cloture vote needed to end discussion of asshattery. I was leaning strongly asshat after the Bud Light commercials but am now willing to go out on a limb and make the call. Just more childish shit from Hollywood.
Seth Rogen confirmed for asshat.
Debates do not occur 140 characters at a time, thats not what friday night will be. He did get blamed for the L Jones thing but that was /pol/ (who by the way are no fans of Milo).
It's not his first rodeo. He has been on those panel type shows in the past and it always leads to autistic screeching when the other side runs out of arguments. He is a very skilled debater and he will be well prepared.
55% on the daily tracking poll, for anyone who still believes in polls in 2017.
A panel stacked with liberals who can constantly interrupt and shout him down? That doesn't produce a worthwhile debate and he is right not to allow himself to be put in that situation.
Good god Lena put some damn clothes on if you are going to jump around.
I don't watch Maher enough to know his exact attitudes towords muslims but if it's as suggested here it's a topic he may want to shy away from. In between Milo's anti-SJW gamergate days and his current tour triggering college students he was a supposed "canary in the coal mine" warning Americans about the effects of…
You spelled Barfly wrong.
You have to wonder how much the change in the law allowing lawyers to advertise on TV have played into the increase.
Keanu looks really good handling weapons compared to some other action stars because Keanu is really good handling weapons:
Shane-O Mac really sold that well!.
Sounds like Chance wants a bailout for Chicago to me …. ummm no.
Crowd chants USA … USA … USA … probably.
The magic of Hollywood?
CONFESSION: I just show up to ride the trolley.
Milo would never agree to do the show on a panel, he has been on the wrong side of a stacked bunch of talking heads enough times before to fall for it again.
Expect a cryptic hand written letter in the mail.
Thats hawt.
"allowing other guests to join in the discussion"