Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

I actually liked the song on the radio in theopening, sorry Darryl (don't know what it is), but Rick would be the asshole who plays it way too fucking loud. Really should have kept the car dumbass. Way to cock that up yet again Rick.

"So much for your code, crook. Anytime assassin."

Without the drunk narrator lipsyncing, it's just comedians reenacting history, and with the title Crossroads I just got a huge pang of sadness and disgust for the reality show channel that History has become and nostalgia for James Burke's amazingly entertaining and informative documentary series, Connections. Score!

Why would you? Timberlake wasn't there to rip open her dress, heinous enough he did it to Janet.

It's aboat you hoser! Take off eh! and get your hearing checked if you're hearing aboot from Canadians. No, South Park doesn't matter as it is a cartoon by Americans. Have a great day.

Stupid disqus or my stupid keyboard, somethings missing, I thought I read it before I hit post. Definitely, Rebecca's a major player and in it for the long haul, more likely the guy's going to set up surveillance at her home if they haven't already for Intel, plant some bugs and recording devices. Other comments have

If it isn't obvious already, I look forward to the show each week and endorse continued coverage. Great review by the way as I hit Recommend as soon as I finished reading. I might be an outlier but I never rolled my eyes at the idea of a show spun off a movie, and I'll give anything the benefit of the doubt as long

Didn't see Sand's and Morra's job offer as legitimate, just a ruse to get Rebecca away from the CJC to take care of her and eliminate yet another unwanted investigation into Morra's past, as the hubristic maniac is now running for president. Sand's essentially told the large gentleman at the end that her elimination

You are correct AD. I couldn't remember everything they've done since he took a bullet for Brian and could have phrased it better, I kept getting page crashes and lost my train of thought. The sexier IMO of the duo, didn't transfer out because the assignment wasn't what Naz had originally promised and would have been

Hail Hydra

Jarvis' brilliant and biting takedown of pompous ass orange face Thompson was the highlight of the fundraiser for me.
"Well, everyone knows that."

It's a hell of a lot of fun mixed with the seriousness of the procedural and overall conspiracy. SPOILERS 14 episodes in. I don't know if it'll ever quite reach the level of POI brilliance as as of yet a four part human conspiracy that's been established (possibly a fifth with ADIC Johnson and his micro penis) might

I am so sick of hetero sex scenes in tv shows that I absolutely adored the joyous Bollywood sequence alluding to their love making! Even Mike and Ike were awesome dancing and Brian's go to IT guy was there too. A true celebration relating the elation! of connecting with someone without yet another scene of two people

Exactly, cuts with nary a chance to heal as well. Being told to smile near constantly while growing up with the asinine addendum that "it can't be that bad" infuriated me to no end. I just defaulted to walk around with a near permanent scowl because who the fuck is this peer, complete stranger at a store or teacher or

What a waste of a "shroom" trip, placebo or not. I don't watch X-Files for gratuitous ass and tits shots of females, even if it was Mulder's trip. Tom Waites barely cancels that objectification out. What an insult to the Lone Gunman cameo too. Separating Mulder and Scully for almost the entire 40 some minutes with

Love, love, love every seen with cousin Violet and Isobel. Always the highlight of an episode for me. Their facial expressions alone are a master class in acting. I can only hope to find a friendship like theirs someday. Brilliant takedown of Miss C.
Tense race scene? It was so chopped up I honestly couldn't tell what

Great start to the episode. Cheered at the greasy bikers getting blown up. Rewatched at least 4 or 5 times, some in slow motion, of course no rocket trail, but fuck it, spontaneous explosion from established tracker (stealth is one of Darryl's powers) eliminates the assholes. If you're going to quote someone after

Attempt to seduce a woman every week? No, she was putty in his post boned hands- left the ballet to walk home, no coat (dumb scientist) with a complete stranger. Snart needs to seduce someone (man or woman) each week, you know, multitask.

Only Stark did make a move, as told by Peggy in the pilot first season, in which she promptly punched him into the drink (the Thames) on V day.

Just wait, the religious investigation storyline is the darkest and most poignant, in my opinion, and also the best.