Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Which " all those criminal acts"? As i wrote, he admitted to paying the agents off, who then let in sick immigrants to keep costs down, just like others did. Unaware that the plague was spreading bc (he or) Showalter had Speight 'taken care of' by some lackey not paying attention to his responsibility for spreading

Very true.

Second episode airs tonight after the 2nd episode of Childhood's End, looks like they'll repeat it throughout the next two weeks. Guess Alasdair fucked up in WOT. Too focused on writing more stupid shit about NCIS.

Stupid hat "joke", as dumb as asking what's with the shoes.
Genuinely curious as to what makes a show "sexy" in the promos. Yes first episode and all, but Jane is the only attractive man so far, and shows don't tend to cast conventionally unattractive females as main or supporting characters like they do with males (in

I'm probably in the minority here, but Frank has been rather annoying this season. Justice for assassinated [redacted]!! Correct on 'Jupiter' being the season finale.
((Spoilers for season 2))

Quick search shows the Christmas special along with Halloween and Easter claymation specials (I've never seen or even heard of) available on Amazon and from the other big box stores. Hope this helps

Watched the hell out of this live every year it was shown and on VHS, much better than the Garfield special it was paired with.

Allison would have killed him then. Touche on bringing up the awesomeness that is Columbo :-), the writers appear to have forgotten his pop cultural import on their audience's intelligence.

Spoilers!! PLEASE!!!

"Oh Damn it!"
"Meter maid from Hell. Didn't she see the diplomatic plates?"

Nope, that was Roger Cross sacrificed in the Strain, a completely different actor than the idiot character portrayed in this episode. Never watched 24, but can't recall ever seeing Cross onscreen with a beard.

Or cast as a good guy who's usually accused of being a terrorist.

Agent CrushOnSuspectTraitor was shot in the front, check the exit wound again. Yes on the point blank range on her wound. Plus a quick check for GSR on professor's hand would have immediately ruined Allison as suspected double agent(?)'s veracity.
I was expecting Allison to fire a shot into the wall from his hand to

Surprised to see so many thought the fire was Henry's doing, I thought it rather obvious it was Barrow. He argued with the architect about the rapid pace of building to come in under budget, its almost done. Then confronted by his wife with his own records of embezzling schemes, given his position at the Knick and

Gus! (a true classic, in my mind anyhow)

Brilliant soundtrack /score as well. I really wish in probable futility that they'll release it soon if ever. (Otherwise I'll just have to keep replaying it and figure out how to lower the voices. Instrumental music is my favourite!)

"…in a scene that’s interminably long for how little it advances the story." Yep, that pretty much summarizes the entire season of Hotel.

Good Glob yes. That abomination didn't deserve the title, an insult to all it's predecessors, and I say that as a fan of his earlier work.

I remember it vividly for some reason, didn't realise it was that old! Carol Channing pins, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but never ever jam today, Telly Savalas, Gene Wilder mock turtle soup, Sammy Davis Jr, and the garbage bag necked Jabberwocky (I remember being scared of the Jabberwocky until I noticed the glad

Complete Fucking waste of Michael Hogan this season. I'm sure it's been pointed out by some but it needs repeating. Hope he can get a decent role on a show that appreciates him, not just some bit role, great as he was, on Man Seeking Woman.