Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Yep, for some reason BBCA Charter added 20 minutes of commercials to the replay of Heaven Sent prior to Hell Bent scheduled at 80 minutes. (The last 2 eps are usually on the AMC app after a day or so to catch what you missed.) I left the channel on bc i was expecting some sort of screw up with the timing after the GN

Harrie and Cleary- The Knick
Completely platonic, 50-50, and they'd best stay that way.

Agree, Hotel is the least interesting/ enjoyable of all seasons so far, too slow, mostly blood, sex and random slaughter. Hotel only has Liz, Sally, and Mr. March that I care for, but Dr. Alex's handling of anti-vax mom was great too. Hopefully they don't forget about the Vamper kids running around L.A. Freak Show had

Well now you got me thinking, but seems to me that the important revivified seem to come back where their bodies were left, so:
Simon was shot by Tomas last season and put in the morgue fridge where he reanimated and emerged naked (which in replay they censored fsr)-he's important bc of his hybrid child with Adele,

Nice. I've not heard that one, cheers for the link, that was fun.

If Mike Hogan hadn't been completely wasted on this show, what an insult to a charismatic actor, much like Mary on Leftovers, I'd say the family Gerhart.

Sorry I was wrong this time, I thought I was being helpful. I thought she was speaking Russian since the guy who trapped Allison was Russian, and it appears to mean Maniac in Russian, Czech, German, Polish, and go figure, Arabic.

I absolutely adore the Kevin Kline /Linda Ronstadt version of Pirates of Penzance! I almost have the entirety memorised, yet I had no idea that clips were available on you tube as I only have the vhs version and my vcr died years ago. Gratitude for sharing the link.

Or if great nurse on NJ had remembered she'd just dressed an infected abdominal wound and jammed her elbow into the guy. What I always say in these hostage type situations is: go limp! Drop to the ground, why make it easy for the guy, make him carry you! Then take the shot.

Nevermind the fact that the pus oozing wound was RIGHT THERE for Denise to elbow and then drop to the floor, mind I've never been frozen with fear with a knife to my throat. Even though she had the ovaries to talk back after he knocked out Morgan.

Why didn't Abraham just use his rocket launcher in the prologue to take the gang out? Why did Daryl stop so damn close to them in the first place? Way to stay silent Sasha. Unless Daryl was hoping to get his hands on one of the bikes. Agree with others, what a waste of an hour tonight.

He's an ex regent in a wheelchair dumbass, once he put you on your ass you should have just grabbed his legs and flipped him over.

D'oh! Nothing like a bout of brain cancer tumor spasm ex machina to conveniently stop a fight. At least Minerva's wedges were more appropriate footwear for a fight, yep, I went there again.

Harsh but true, I'm surprised it isn't more common knowledge as its been known in the medical community (dad's a Pediatrician and Neonatologist) for over a decade. But yes, aged sperm is not the same as young sperm and older men take the risk having children in there 60s and 70s, nevermind not being around for their

Wow, not expecting to read a big block about MST3000 after an obvious end shot of Milan opening his eyes, I called it last week, but was hoping Lucy knew something to make his banishment more permanent.
This has moved quickly from fantasy to horror, especially with Lucy claiming to try to save the gendarmes by

As seen in the promos for The Librarians this week, John de Lancie/ Q! is guest starring tonight, possibly as Baird's old contact.

Glob, I rewatched the first episode and hadn't noticed the elk went to the square to evade the returned's attacks in order to die. First I thought it was chased in town then got caught and attacked in the square. So sad, and scary now returned humans are the predators for the forest creatures, especially with the

So thaaat's what he did.

Just because they can doesn't mean they ought to spread their decrepit sperm, a contributing factor for autism and other developmental complications.

At the time it came out I was a vegetarian, but when the Sioux are on a buffalo hunt in Dances With Wolves and open one of the great beasts and chow down on the just beating heart, the red muscle looks so damn appetizing i wish I was there to partake. Go figure, i just woke up and found one of the HBOs is having a