Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Plus Flamingo the cannibal wouldn't have been true to his name without biting someone, since plot armour protects Gordo.

So Daryl found the morons getaway vehicle hidden years ago, good for him, he was owed something for giving up his crossbow.

As odd as it was, quite a few chuckles at the go:

Yep, mouth breather Anne has always felt off for this show.

Anybody else getting a Nic Cage, Wicker Man, crazed cop (only not for a child) performance from John? Too bad there weren't more people for him to push around and scream at about his breakdown in the lobby. Yes, you're a terrible father. Just loving someone without actually following through doesn't excuse you from

You know, those ear thermometers are notoriously inaccurate (the laser you swipe over the forehead and under the ear are typically used and most accurate as are the old under the tongue when done correctly-I work in a Pediatric office). Really, once the kid is up and about no longer complaining, there's no need to

Long way indeed, reminds me of the riddles Statham asked the little kid with the shitty dad he drove around in Transporter sequel. I did like his wont to just murder everybody who crossed his path and stole his tea sandwich, now that he's a whole man.

Sleep. I take you by night, by day take you back, none suffer to have me, but do from my lack.

Don't think the Quinn story is too tidy, it's a small world after all and I totally buy that he was saved by an altruistic non licensed devout Muslim doctor who just happens to be flat neighbours with a just released terror suspect. Any way to include Quinn is fine by me.
Now the impatient bully who asserts himself as

Gratitude, this is what I was expecting to see in these rather disappointing reviews for a great show that I've found other sites' reviews do include. Fun link too.

Jake did tell Princess King of Oo if he believed hard enough the mushroom pizza could probably make him fly, never did say how. I had to rewatch as I didn't catch KOO moving at the end, glob darnit. Back in his own clothes though…

Since when can't they say "balls" referring to gonads on CBS, fighting a super being and still checking her language? The super positivity recapping what happened 5 or 10 minutes ago was too much for me, I'm fine with info dumping, just don't insult the audience. I'm with wacky bipolar Gotham Mondays, but will see

Hallucination Patti and Kevin's confession that he was on medication then suddenly stopped, has a serious sleep disorder and father in a psychiatric treatment facility, all glossed over by the family impulsively blowing their wad on an abandoned house and attempting to secure their safety in a dangerous tourist trap

Saul's sad beard this season is jealous of Jerome's beautiful bushy beard. Oddly, Camille's rot seems to have reversed, or maybe it was too dark to see, need to check. Loved the tension presented between those in the know and the ignorant: Toni died from his self inflicted gut shot last episode with lovely Victor's

You really ought to have finished, Dahmer having to get near black out drunk to do anything with his victims wasn't nearly as unsettling considering what his mother did to the family growing up.

How much more could they hate poor Glenn? First he has to witness Noah's evisceration up close, then dead eyed Nicholas blows what little he has of brains out, somehow taking him down into the horde. This is why I prefer the attitude of giving mercy to this show's "what's the point" trajectory.
On rewatch it appears

Agent Needs to Leave the 70s
(Sharks are intelligent, different strategies for different prey—not mindless killers)

Such a great episode, as obvious as the open door was, Justin Kirk filling the void left by Richard Schiff. Then I come here and expect to read about Manhattan when yet again the reviewer has to mention the two big AMC shows for some annoying reason. I get it, i just don't like it, why can't the show just stand on

Exactly. It left a Micheletto sized hole in me that will most like never be filled again. ; (

You forgot about his candy corn teeth.