Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Well, Ed did kill Rye with the garden spade as he was still alive when Peggy brought him home. Hence how she convinced him disposing of the body was their only option, since no one would believe the truth. Though Peggy's inconsistent behaviour and responses will attract the wrong attention, I'm predicting she'll get

What a cheeseball episode. The highlight was Nygma's date and his more telling choice of Luis Prima's Just a Giggalo.

Why does nobody remember the Borgias? Killed without resolution after only three seasons.

Well stated, this review was difficult to read through considering the unjustified complaints about the lead character dealing with the symptoms of her condition. I actually look forward to the Bipolar Carrie episodes.

"Nothing breaks a man like a good cock punch."

Agreed, though her comfort with snorting caffeine pills might have been a little jarring as well.

"MOther FUcker"

As a Latina, I can relate to the pronunciation struggle, such that I grew up hating my name. Yes hate, despite the chuckle I get remembering that by third grade virtually all my classmates got as frustrated as I and would correct my teachers during roll call and continue to do so through high school. In college, I

So true.

Now that's just nasty, since the woman apparently hasn't been through enough abuse yet!

A punch by Alfred would have put Selina into the windshield, she was slapped, open palm, reviewer's projecting his own desires into the review.

Finally finished the finale. Wow. Again, great review, in fact your excellent analyses and reviews (better than some on this site even, completely serious, great writing and flow, again love the footnotes) actually enhanced my experience of this frustrating series. However weird and seemingly shoehorned in Julian's/

Well, it's been over a century, but people still use schizophrenia incorrectly. Frustration abounds.

Hey now, Megan Follows' Katherine is the only reason to watch Reign at this point, the rest you put up with or occasionally is a bonus. I still miss Henry. ( dvr screwed me again and didn't get to dominion yet, but I enjoyed your reviews and appreciate the work put into them)

Thank you, I needed that. Just watched the finale tonight, once realising season two starts next week. I either have terrible timing, or perfect timing, such is life.

So, does anyone one else hear the Chamberlain's "mmmMMMMmmm" every time someone says 'Chamberlain'? I even hear the Chancellor yelling the Chamberlain's name and then the mmmMMMMmmm, such an awesome memory of mine, and a great movie. Barry Dennen, also played Pontius Pilate in JCS movie, quite a career. Probably the

And it is all awesome.

No, it just makes those who demean others who purchase physical media for their pleasure sound like a judgemental dick.

Good Glob did her luminol protocol for eating Arby's start me on a visual "don't go there" mind wandering of all things not horseradish on her meals.

Just like the CSI series finale, SPOILER the character actor briefly flashed as a suspect is obviously the suspect.