Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

They failed to mention quite a lot with each actor chosen, not a huge surprise here.

A great way to frell with someone's sanity and basically communicate that you don't give a rat's ass about them:

Only if CB dares cover the horror of Obamacare implementation and the nightmare of the new ICD 10 requirements.

So coverage for unwatchable Minority Report, but nothing for Limitless, sad face. Surprised they kept up the energy and interest in Finch's story, plus solving not one but two, two! major crimes in one episode under the threat of termination after just being hired by the FBI. Benevolent Eddie Morra becomes spawn of

No, just bring back Almost Human with Wally as the tech eccentric.

John Doe was more entertaining. Agree about Winters, he needs a show. Just wish Stapleton could find a project he could use his natural accent in, he's in serious Strike Back mode here and it;s not working with the writing so far.

Get rid of fuckwit cartoon Mickey Donovan and focus more on the brothers' rape and abuse by the church as they started too and then suddenly dropped to focus on dipshit Mickey, and you'd have a good show covering adult male victims of abuse that no other television drama has as part of its narrative . Plus keeping

Boyd struggling with dying versus caving in and eating Captain Lush stew is another awesome scene.

"You're no hero, Boyd. I want you as far away from my company as soon as possible, I'm sending you to California, Fort Spencer…" Cue awesome soundtrack. One of my favourite movies, finally got the soundtrack on CD last year, even though I'll watch it every time it's on one of the movie channels.
The final fight

It's B.A.'s baby, so it;s up to him really. Ugh, update it to a decked out Humvie.

I can't believe I forgot about Captain Cab too! So true, find a variation on the theme, not an mediocre remake that'll never touch the magic of the original.

Nah, I'll take classic theme song over annoying remake theme song. Conveniently provided above.

My sentiments exactly!

Stop, just stop. The original series holds up despite it obviously being the 80s in my mediocre opinion, loved revisiting the nbc series recently on Esquire network,. TAXI CAB WARS remains one of my favourite episodes of not only the A-Team but TV overall. Hell its got Ernie Hudson, Michael Ironside and others, the

Hader was brilliant as old Barnabas:
He was drinking heavily then, I tried talking to him, .. "but he started taking up with the local village women. He always talked about how fat the women were, and how they looked like guys. Ugly women, the Eskimo. My god, they were ugly. I *BLEEPED* about three of them."

No worries, dude. As long as you have something to say it doesn't seem long at all. And here you cover everything with appropriate and fun commentary/criticism and it's a fun and inciteful summation. Quite a concise and entertaining read, it actually enhances my experience of the episode to have such a great

Now that would be fun, great idea. :>) (apologies, i'm really bad at these.)

Good to know, I appreciate your perspective. Cheers for your response, I feel less pathetic now considering that I actually felt kinda stupid for just putting my reaction out there. And not getting ridiculed for being technically inept, which I totally am and totally used too (I still use my walkman I'm that

Besides Timothy V. Murphy as Father Ruskin as most exciting character, they really fucked themselves by immediately killing off Baron Ventris who actually brought life to his dull colleagues.

He was orphaned and left at the monastery, Sutter looking on. Do blonde kids usually turn into gingers? Perhaps droopy hair in the face set the fire that burned Annara's not mute companion.