Super Nintendo Chalmers

Owen! Get me a soda with some ice in it!

Every once in awhile I've forgotten about it a bit and something out of the blue reminds me and I'm bummed again.
For example, the other day I was watching "Do the Right Thing" and someone made a joke to Sal that Trump would buy out his pizza parlor and I thought, damn, that motherfucker is actually President. All

Well this will surely help bring rust belt jobs back or defeat ISIS right?

Well the joke is on him, Ivanka's into pegging!

Isn't his dad already in prison?

You should have heard him go on about IPAs

I'm the one who teeths!

Just wait till there's a prequel to Better Call Saul set in an ABQ high school!

It's Steve Harvey's turn to shine!

My dentist has Coltrane on Pandora.

Kevin Smith is here to tell you about the soup de jort

Will he get me closer to cod?

Time for that Schindler's List reboot!

I get "Tomcats" and "Chasers" mixed up.

Once Trump is done making America great again it will!

And/or read

Works every time!

Where does Get Off My Lawn brand ruffian repellant rank on the "cool" meter?

Are you asking for a friend?

No, that one is just a love song written by a 30 yr old man about an 11yr old girl.