Super Nintendo Chalmers

No Blockbuster Video?

Here in St. Louis as well.
In the 90s it was something you bragged about getting when you visited friends in Atlanta.
Around 2000 people were going half hour out of their way for the only 2 KKs in the area.
By 2005 they were everywhere
In the 2010s it's like "hey that vape shop used to be Krispy Kreme.

The most "beyond graphic" part of this article is that something called Hannidate is a thing

Tools are generally useful

They usually get a couple decent touring years out of it.

I never really watched it either, but people I used to work with really liked it, and I remember the new seasons always started in mid or late January so whenever my coworkers started talking about it I knew spring was around the corner.

All kids love their mee maws

All those takes of "Football in the Groin" took a number.

Agree. Also one of the most frightening aspects is that the adults look the other way. It's like they are conditioned to accept it

Also, Brokeback

I honestly wasn't aware of the hatred directed at her. Is it mostly MRA dickwads who just can't stand a successful woman in film?

You're messin with the wrong gal!

Best wishes

Oh I gotcha, so you Google which woods have the most moldering porn.

What law to repeal to marry daughter

Too Bro Country for Old Men

Trump Tweet TP would be a better idea

I agree, but I also think it's time we had another unmarried person as President. I mean look at all the money we're spending now to keep a sham marriage alive.

They should look for them in Writers Digest

There's a novelization of Home Alone???