Super Nintendo Chalmers

Actually the craft bit is a ruse,
Their new show is called "Celebrity Shower Ninja". You had no idea Nick and Amy were watchin ya wash yer junk!

Amy looks evil or drunk in that picture.
Either way I like it.
And Offerman's hair looks like it's ready for 3rd grade picture day.

And he's gay, which means he can be a self hating homophobe and it's alright!

Oohh, edgy!

Are Archie Bunker types still in Queens? I figured they would have all moved to the way out burbs years back

Had TrumpCare passed there wouldn't be Unnecessary Surgery Land. There also wouldn't be Necessary Surgery Land.

Calling people by the wrong name is nothing new for Trump.
He regularly calls Melania Ivanka I'm sure.

New York City?
But how will his supporters be able to get off work from all the newly reopened coal mines to visit?

Well you don't expect his trophy wife to do it do you?

At least there's no "Erotica"

Way to twist into a pun thread

Letterman did this in the 80s Internet.

Wilco's first album, A.M. was clearly rooted in Tweety's native Southern Illinois. Casino Queen referring to the riverfront gambling boat on the Mississippi.
Their subsequent albums are more Chicago focused, however on "Heavy Metal Drummer" Tweety sings about the bands he saw on "the Landing in the summer"

At least he probably had no role in conceiving Baron.

Will this make watching curling tolerable?

Yeah but he just had a studio apartment

How did that not win an Oscar?

I thought they closed that place doen?

Who or what is a Chanice?

The woman who played his daughter is only 9 yrs younger.