Super Nintendo Chalmers

Then you'll love my mashup "There Will Be No Country for Old Blood" coming to GJI sooner tham anyone ever wants it to.

Have any 102+ year olds made this list and embarrassingly admitted "Birth of a Nation" made it?

Plus Mexico. Diamond Joe is an honorary Bad Hombre

Yeah just after the election the media loved to find rustbelt voters who saud they liked Bernie but voted for Trump. I bet dollars to donuts after months of being subjected to ads about "Sanders the socialist Jew" those voters would have gone with Trump. Plus whatever gains Sanders might have made with the angry

And I'll take Georgian architecture over Trump's monstrosities any day!

*Furiously pens script*

What's funny is Jill Biden basically looks like Leslie Knope, just a couple decades older.

I'll add King George III to that

But would he have won the nomination? I could see the Bernie people being just as opposed to him in the primaries as they were to Hillary. And if Biden and Clinton split the "establishmemt" vote Sanders would have won the nomination.

The dog or the man?

A pun thread? Goat outta here!

How can anyone hate "The Colonel"?

If the hooker is actually paid for her services that counts for a "moderate" Republican these days

There's very little chicken in these gym mats.

And I thought they were coming for our jerbs!

Trump certainly sees no need for "thought" or "control"

The star of Cleaver?

There are pros and conwayes to that.

I'm sure Putin can get him a deal.

I owe my admission to Bernie State to being completely lifeless.