Super Nintendo Chalmers

Two thoughts
1. I honestly didn't know that was McKinnon as the mermaid. Wow, talk about versatile!
2. I felt a little creepy clicking on an headline "Watch Kate McKinnon's costume change"

I saw it's drivers license

One thing we know for sure

No tartar control Duff?

Yes, and depending on the mood and strength of those fronts we could end up wet or with a lot of the white stuff.

Yeah but she's the one who cast her lot with a party that judges women solely on attractiveness.

Here in St. Louis his shows at the Blueberry Hill Duck Room were legendary. He played almost monthly there until he was well into his 80s. I was lucky enough to see him play there twice.

I've seen "St. Louis style pizza" on the menu at places in Arizona, Florida, and Texas. My assumption has always been that only former St. Louisans would ever order it, but you never know.

My question has always been thusly-Would the diner actually be saving money by doing that? Can't see how.

You mean the immigrants looking for a better life?
-Ben Carson

He is obsessed with mall food courts. It would be funny if they would talk about that on Doughboys.

Yeah, unless they do a time jump it's going to be pretty unbelievable that this kid is still 12 yrs old.

If this were season 1 the mom would have tried to bang Gus.

Financially, yeah I'm sure they will be. It just seems another TV/movie trope where someone who is going through personal trauma decides to add a kid to the mix.

I'm glad people like this, but the commercials for it looked just too dreadful—I couldn't.

So Randall just had a nervous breakdown, quit his job and puts him in a perfect position to…adopt a kid!

Yeah, yeah. We all wish we had her hair. Just get to the damn fireworks factory,I mean taxes, already!

Man, people in LA really seem to hate their beaches. Seems like they are always a punchline.

Oh I'm sure real Biden never would.

Hell I'll give him a C note to go all the way up to NYC, there's some European broad there hates her husband, ole Diamond Joe can polish her jewels if yaknowwhatimean