Super Nintendo Chalmers

I thought Merrick Garland had the most West Wing name of a real life politician.

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life"

The idiots at the town meetings that regularly exasperated Leslie no doubt voted Trump

On the contrary his numbnut supporters in the heartland would defend it, saying "he knows how to straighten that whole organization out" or some other such tom foolery.

Sure making up that question was kind of assholish, but without it we wouldn't have gotten "Your dad's dick!"

I'm listening to the Chuck E Cheese episode now. I'm hooked

We had really dreary weather here in the Midwest over the weekend so I binge watched this season. I'll take shallowness of LA if it means I get some damned Vitamin D!

It'll come together

The "disqus backdoor" sounds like something that should be on urban dictionary

Please don't make me think of Trump inserting things so close to lunchtime!

We're through the cooking glass here people!

Also hooking up with the actress later on in the season. Sure, she was a mess too. But all anyone noticed was how attractive she was.

They were probably doin it

He took it out?!?

The new celebrity spokeswoman for Farmers Only

Don't be a Menace to Cabot Cove While Drinkig Your Metamucil in the Home

He should have investigated as to where the nearest barber shop was to rid him of that haircut.

I don't know about you but I'm sold on that timeshare now!

Just wait till 2018's Best Russian Hotel Room Golden Shower Award.

Hey remember when Ryan wanted to get rid of social security survivor's benefits for kids who lose a parent before they turn 18 even though he got those same benefits?