Super Nintendo Chalmers

It's like all of their posts are from a Random Lame Generator


It'll be Tupelo in hell before you silence the Tweedy!

If I recall the heroes of this story were working class folks who fought AGAINST Nazi biker types and, get this, looked out for themselves and their families instead of the multi millionaires and billionaires . I don't remember a plot where the
already rich benefited at the end and the main characters sat back to

This summer, Make America Ape Again!

They could be alt right

What are you? A snowflake that can't handle a little pain when your gall bladder ruptures?

Wait they had an actress portraying Hillary Clinton in that D'nesh D'Souza D'reck? I thought it was a "documentary"with just unflattering film and photos of Hillary.

90% Trump stuff, 10% Rump stuff!

Republicans will probably introduce "Barron's Law" which will make sure this lad is free of any bullying, or inheritance taxes, for the rest of his years.

Like draining the swamp really meant just making it radioactive

Please clap

But what about my gritty Beverly Hillbillies reboot: "The Last Jed"?

The ramifications of Trump's ill prepardness to be Commander in Chief will be felt….Around the World

We are out of Crazy Lady nameplates in the FOX News gift shop, repeat we are out of Crazy Lady nameplates at the FOX News gift shop.

They buy "Crazy Lady" name plates by the bulk at FOX.

Too bad Trump already appointed someone to the only cabinet position he thinks African-Americans are suited for just because of the color of their skin.

It means I secretly think the Old Testament Lord should smite you.

That's one thing we got

You are just begging to start a pun thread here