Super Nintendo Chalmers


Or he can just commit suicide, that would be fine too.

Cyanide pills! Get your cyanide pills!

My hair only grows up.

Can we fightdance?

Fuck sulking. I'm gonna fight!

It's OK, I'm banging his wife.

One schlubby bastard at my work clapped from inside his office.

"Entertainment is not under attack"
What do you call defunding the National Endowment of the Arts

Or millions of snowflakes to make an avalanche—that buries those bastards!

Remember when he went on FOX News saying that when he was broke and on food stamps he didn't run to the government for help, or something equally asinine?

Just do something nice for someone, two or four legged. It doesn't usually cost anything and is in complete contrast to Drumpf's M.O.
If you have the chance be a voice for the voiceless or be strong for someone who is afraid. Make that your memory of today.

It's open to interpretation

Spare the rod, spoil the child

"Probably written by some kid"
Do you not have any uncles?

Not to mention how he canceled the 2016 election to stay in power forever.

Hope you got a four year prescription.

And I just bought a new monocle!

He was also Randall Flagg's right hand man in the 1994 adaptation of The Stand.

But he's gonna make sure your salmon is extra oily and with the great flavor of mercury!