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    It was actually just a frozen pizza.

    They extort it from the relatives of the people they keep locked up in the basement.

    I think a better reaction would have been "… so do you still have this outfit/lipstick/etc. sitting around?"

    "You have 20 minutes!"
    "… ok, ok. Look you guys know that she uses "P@ssword1234" for, like, everything around here right?"

    I suspect that the level of control and maneuverability is a lot higher with the manual ones as well.

    Yeah - not being that stupid is sort of a central trait for that character, really…

    I've always thought code names were a bit silly, but at least you'd think one of all of them would have the sense to point out that a code name that describes you is kind of a dumb idea. It's just asking for people to hear what you said and anticipate what you're up to.

    "You have a totally different hairstyle, and I barely murder anyone at all these days!"

    I can't decide whether I don't like the code name because it's awkward and kind of awful, or if I like it because I can totally see Ollie being really bad at coming up with code names that aren't awful.

    I like the actress they cast, but yeah. She wasn't a good fit for the character at all, and I had trouble making sense of how that was supposed to work. And the character of Waller is so great if presented straight from the comics*, rather than changed like that.

    I'm also bothered a bit by the possibility of the show making healing her a really big deal. I'm totally fine with her (and Oliver) being traumatized by a sudden loss like that, but seriously: being paraplegic is not actually something that will make her life impossible, and especially not since her job (and hobby)

    I'm willing to grant shows generally, and superhero comic book shows even more, a certain lee-way when it comes to reasonable story lines, because that's how fiction works. But come on - Oliver and Felicity talking about how black haired goth Felicity looked bad, or was the sort of thing that they should feel sort of

    To be recognized as reasonable guns at all (as opposed to magical space plasma guns or something) they'd pretty much need to seem that way, though. (And they're clearly actual (prop) guns that you can buy if you want so …)

    Aluminum? Even corrugated steel plates could be flipped like that depending on how reinforced the structure.

    I don't know if that's entirely unreasonable. I mean, it's not like they're growing lots of wood out there and they'd still have to make it out of something. A couple metal plates wouldn't be insane.

    An equally good question is why he would have had either just hanging out in his house in the first place*. I mean, a second passport in case he needed to escape, sure. But one that identifies you as being from the exact country you are (supposedly) spying for?

    "Isn't that crazy, Peg? It turns out if you guys had just cared a bit more about taking me home to be buried we could have spent the last sixty years together! Crazy world, just crazy."

    Hispanic is often meant to include Spain. You're thinking Latino/Latina which means Latin American. (Also plenty of people in both category are as white as anyone from northern Europe, and yet….)