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    Sure - they'd go around back just like in a lot of the other cities as well. The problem I have here is that what we see in the show is the kind of racism that you see today.

    She really would make a good Wonder Woman. Also it would be hilarious to see DC and Marvel in a Hayley Atwell bidding war.

    One racist diner owner in a non-Jim Crowe state is more likely than not to sell the crueler (or was it a bearclaw) to the couple he finds distasteful. … and likely gave gruff indictment of his having to do so.

    I definitely got the impression from watching it, and how the characters talked about it, that it was one of those sort of grey areas that existed around then where a white person and a black person could go dancing without anyone causing a fuss. It's neat that it was actually that in reality.

    Captain America is kind of famous for that, actually. The first issue of it came out a year before Pearl Harbor, and had Captain America smashing into Hitler's headquarters and punching him out as the cover. The message was subtle, but in retrospect clear.

    Also the Oscars love it when actors do something horrible to themselves for a role.

    I prefer to believe that when characters in Star Wars speak in what seems to be a different language and everyone around them seems to understand they're not actually speaking, or capable of language, at all.

    I think it's a bit late to go with Russia here, given that we're not really in the middle of any kind of significant conflict with them.

    It's kind of hilarious with those two. The others mostly look like very talented martial artists with some kind of added bonus (if that), and then there's a sentient cloud of green gas that can punch people. I like to imagine the leaders of the other cities bitching about it among each other. "God, he always picks

    I think it could be done really well without whitewashing, since I don't see how you could effectively tell an Iron Fist story without including enough Luke Cage and Misty Knight in it that it was practically an ensemble piece anyway. But it's such a tricky story to get right that I've been on edge ever since they

    They could always bring him back from the dead using the Frankenstein's technique and have him be a combination of Frankenstein's monster (with the bolts and everything) and the Punisher!

    I would like to say right now that I would watch the hell out of that movie. Just saying.

    In the Vigilante Justice System there are two separate, yet equally important groups. The people who commit everything from relatively minor victimless crimes and to being mob bosses, and the Punisher who shows up from out of nowhere and murders them horribly. These are their stories.

    That is pretty much the definitive Punisher. I mean, they could do it again?

    I actually thought the comics were implying that while he's probably not the worst of them he was definitely outclassed by more than a few of the weapons. ("Ha! You see the chi of Shou-Lau gives me the ability to make my hands as hard as… Oh GOD! OH GOD WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SPIDERS? THEY'RE IN.. EVERYWHERE.")

    To some extent, yeah, but I think the fact that (when he's in New York) he's not just an outsider he's one with a lot of white-rich-guy privilege. And that informs a lot of the outsider stuff that's part of the character. I mean, he's a rich white man living in Harlem with a black ex-con as a partner. The contrast

    The extent to which people keep getting this really obvious point wrong is really obnoxious. Being saved by people doesn't make him their savior.

    The live studio audience was a terrible strain on the animators' wrists.

    In almost all cases though it was both (except for the genuinely awful ones). The pre-recorded stuff filled in gaps, or covered over places where editing created a discontinuity, or even replaced bits where the audience had been laughing too hard. But really unless the show is airing live, which can happen and