
Well yeah because Taystee on the Dark Side is not nearly as fun.

Petty is the word. Near the end of the season, despite me knowing how his character works, I was still irked by his continuing defeatist attitude that ultimately came down to him being butthurt which meant for unjustified suffering of the characters around him.

By the end of the season I had a better understanding and appreciation for her in that her spirit is still not entirely broken but any time someone told her to shut the fuck up I was a happy person.

I don't know how I feel about the animation. I really like the style but the twitchy-ness of the character models is irritating to watch. But like when they revamped Dexter's Lab, I'll probably watch an episode and then go back to the old ones.

Personally, I think Shaggy being a vegetarian makes sense.

Liz Lemon and her relationship with food. I think the pivotal moment is when she shotguns a whole pepperoni pizza. But going off Arrested Development, I love Franklin and GOB's obsession with bees.


Freshmen year of college the first movie we watch in my Intro to Film class was Babel. And then we spent the next 16 weeks talking about it.

Oh yeah it's unapologetic with how gory it is and literally oozes in delight with the special effects. It's a fun 80s romp.

But…what about Rory?

You know I'm really surprised and disappointed Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels never did another movie together. They are a great pair. But I guess that could have easily been squandered by the way of Wilson/Vaughn.

I'm not gonna lie, the fact that Lloyd sat in a wheelchair for twenty years just to fuck with Harry was funny to me. As was the phone bit, "Hold on guys I gotta take this phone call from my dead dad."

I'll agree with this. I liked season 4 but it wasn't re-watchable. And I think having to separate the characters did hamper it but it was still really interesting to watch.

The Lion King meets The Avengers.

Aww I read Spot as a kid. I think I had a TV special or something on VHS that I used to watch all the time. Eric Hill was certainly a name that stood out when I was young. RIP.

Yeah prior to that reveal I was thinking about how adorable and naive I found Morello. And then I'm told she's insane. But she's still cute.

1. Suzanne's backstory certainly hit home with me. Growing up I was the Grace living with 2 Suzannes, one who was extremely dangerous. However neither of them are so far removed from reality that they didn't want to fit in. The older I got the less I wanted to be associated with them and that just complicated our

I just finished episode 3 and plan to taper the rest of the season off over the weekend but I'm super happy I can at least talk about the first two episodes. I have so many thoughts right now!

I'm imagining Jeremy Renner said that very exasperated like, "I guess it'll be a good episode".

Why would you link to that YouTube video? I am all but forced to watch it now.