
It took me until I saw Molly in her police uniform post-time jump for it to really re-hit me with the Marge parallel (and I loved it). Though I kind of wonder if there's some underlying sadness in her character and where she's ended up at this point. I'll give it that that probably has all to do with her unresolved

This is the weirdest trend. I guess I should scrap this historical fiction novel I'm working on and just write erotic versions of Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street (IT'S ALL I KNOW, OKAY).

To be honest, I'm surprised this is an original script. The trailer makes it look like a slightly more mature "Young Adult" meets Americanized-Anime adaptation.

Ah Rule of Engagement, that's where I knew her from. I like her a lo—-OHMYGOD SHE'S THE CHICK FROM HALLOWEEN RESURRECTION.

There are only 2 episodes on Hulu up and I didn't make it through the second one because this show is plagued with "Things A Person Would Only Say If They Were On A Sitcom" and "Logic A Person Has Only If They Are On A Sitcom".

1. Oh shit that was adorable.
2. There are 9 ads now before the comments? Really?

I liked Iron Man 3 and thought it was pretty funny, so I'd be up for that.

Nah, I'd rather watch 30 Minutes Or Less again than Gangster Squad. Gangster Squad should have been good, 30 Minutes is very easy to sit through and even easier to forget.

The only podcast that I've stayed consistent with is The Flophouse Podcast because there is discussion about something, and the meandering tangents are funny because they stem from the badness/goodness of the film they're talking about (usually). Plus they only update two times a month which is just perfect for me.

Frances Ha was my favorite film of last year (but I'm also only 21 and I think it is a film made for people my age, post-college). But yeah the best friend was an insufferable bitch after she moved out. And yet I totally know that kind of person in real life.

See I find Italian horror to be more bizarre and boldly graphic and that in turn makes it ten times scarier for me. I also think that the out of reach awareness I have of 1970s aesthetic, while something I love and am fascinated by, is still something I do not understand/was not alive for. And that makes it a lot

I've really liked Mr. Wrench and I guess it's because I think deaf characters are cool so I nearly cried when Molly told him what happened to his partner.

I was really expecting Key and Peele to be like the Men in Black. I just like them in suits I guess.

Yeah I was seriously wondering how he got from Nevada back to North Dakota in such a short time. I mean I'm sure he has money to get on a plane but I got the feeling he wasn't doing it that way.


That's not the vibe me, or other commenters here it seems, have gotten from him.

Uh-oh. Is this the shifting of Marvel's goodwill? Hope not.

Not at all, he's a guy who tries way too hard and thinks everything his guests say are the funniest things. It took me a few minutes of watching one of his interviews to realize I went to high school with jackasses like him.

Okay fine. Deer: 1, Humans: 0, Malvo: ???

Even Stevens was one of those shows where even as a kid I couldn't wrap my brain around the fact that Christy-Carlson Romano and Shia LaBeef were only supposed to be in middle school.