
It really does ring true at how meh the movie was especially when characters in the movie are describing him as amazing.

I may be in the minority but I would actually be down for a Pet Semetary remake. I like the original movie fine but there are a few things that could be tweaked and considering that the theme of child loss is still hugely relevant today it would make for a pretty emotional sit if done right.

Christine is pretty faithful, though I haven't read the book in years. I know they somewhat altered the history involving the first owner of the car (and they changed the name of his wife and daughter around). I genuinely enjoy that movie.

But John Ritter was in Bride of Chucky and he doesn't make it to the end.

"Here we eat our mistakes Mr. Lincoln!"
"But I dropped a glass!"

I just got back from Amazing Spider-Man 2 and found it marginally better than the last one. I'm actually frustrated because there's about 45 minutes worth of stuff that I genuinely liked and would recommend but the overall film is a chore to sit through (even the cutesy romance stuff got to me after a while; I get it,

Yeah I like both those movies a lot for different reasons. Dowd's totally right about the plots falling apart in both of them. I mean The Innkeepers didn't have an ending so they just let Sara Paxton go full blown dumbass and get herself killed in the last 10 minutes.

As stupid as the plot of The Other Woman is, it really did make me wonder why all three leads had to be blonde-blue eyed white ladies. Like if you want to talk about how Hollywood doesn't know how to write women or absolutely racially casts, there you go.

I certainly do not remember that as it has been nearly 10 years since I read those books/watched the movie. But thanks for making me feel old!

I liked the movie, solid adaptation. I only made it to book 10 or 11 before I stopped though because it just got so repetitive and depressing (which the back covers always warn you) but I got bored with it.

So I haven't watched this episode yet but I caught up on the first two this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed them. (I knew the moment Vern started talking about his pregnant wife he was a goner but that hasn't made it any less sad). Anyway what I want to ask is that am I the only one not behind Malvo? I realize what I'm

You know that's fair. I can see a reality where she had that kind of career.

But can we just for a minute talk about how Lindsay Lohan never had the acting chops/potential that any of the aforementioned actors did? Honestly, people cite Mean Girls as the key movie that made her a star which is true but when you go back and watch it she is out-shined by literally every single other cast member.

All I got out of this is that in 2005 I was upset we didn't have HBO. So now's my chance to finally watch The Comeback I suppose.

Oh for fuck's sake you just unearthed so many high school memories of people I wanted to punch in the face for playing "The Game".

(I'm proud of this joke I made on Twitter)
Looking forward to future SAT questions such as Joss Whedon is to Marvel as Zack Snyder is to:
1). DC Films
2). Feminism
3). Dysentery

I was 15 so piss off youths!

And you just saved yourself 90+ minutes.

My friend kept laughing at me because I kept jumping but it was because it was so damn loud. But I thought the movie was good, C+ is absolutely right.

It is literally Ooga-Booga Scary Mirror the Movie. I cannot stress enough that Ooga-Booga Scary Mirror the Movie is as stupid as it sounds. It's a trippy film, but once again: Ooga. Booga. Scary. Mirror.