
Exactly. I thought it nailed the atmosphere and was a genuinely creepy movie that had this built-up momentum that just kinda farted out an okay ending.

I will always have a giant place in my heart for the Brad Pitt episode of Freddy's Nightmare. How he overcame such mulletness is beyond me.

You're half right.

Wow that made me laugh so hard I completely blanked on everything I just read. God bless you Futurama.

I guess the reason I'm ok with Alice is that in theory, I liked the idea it was trying to do. Because going into a movie you already know the original story of and seeing it recreated again, aka "the origin story", it's boring to watch. Although considering I liked the design and the majority of the cast, exception

Everyone talks about this. And not in defense of the film but I think I had given up by the end of the movie that this stupid dance just didn't mean anything to me. If anything I was just distracted by Wasiowska and her amazing ability to suck the life out of the entire movie.

I took a business class freshmen year and the final project was to create your own business. My idea was to open a breakfast restaurant that had evening to early morning hours and start them by college campuses. Because if I lived on campus and knew I could get breakfast at 11 at night while studying I'd be all over

I was just—I was just coming here to say that. That picture of her at the top is the most flattering one that AVClub could find?

I liked the trailer fine enough, I'm glad Sara Gilbert and Kristen Davis are finding better stuff to work with. I'm super excited for Ryan Hansen though. He's a delight.

***Minor Spoilers***

Question, am I the only one who isn't really fond of the links and thumbnails for other websites wedged between the article and the comments? It just adds to the incessant scrolling (which doesn't slow my computer down at all [note to self: need to clean my laptop]).

I had that a few weeks ago, antibiotics cleared me right up.

Well done @avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus @avclub-ebea2325dc670423afe9a1f4d9d1aef5:disqus and @ScratStitch:disqus , close up the internet for the day.

Frances Mcdormand is the heart and sole of Fargo, in my opinion. So while I obvious wouldn't want a clone of her character I do hope that her TV series counter-part eventually becomes as important to the story as Marge is to the movie. If that makes sense.

But Hellraiser is awesome. My sisters were just assholes.

Goosebumps covers did make me cry as a kid. But mostly because I was terrified of my own shadow and my older sisters used to love to torment me and find new ways to scare me. All they had to do was show me a cover and I'd go screaming into the night.

I love movies about making movies and Bowfinger and Ed Wood often tie as my favorite.

You mean Starbuck? Please tell me my ex didn't make me watch that series just for me to get the character's names wrong.

So was I the only one expecting that scene with Jane and Thor reuniting to turn extremely dark and have it actually be Loki coming to kill Jane (ala Nightmare on Elm Street 3)? Because I remember psyching myself out for a scene that did not happen but would have been such a fucked up way to end the movie.

So on Hulu there's a pre-recorded sketch centered around a faux 90s Nickelodeon show which was kinda funny because it had Kenan AND Taran in it but I haven't seen anyone talk about it so I'm wondering if this got cut from the episode? It wasn't funny except for Taran screaming "HATS" but maybe I just missed it.