
The detectors on the main entrance detected four LMDs.

Do you really think Lem could have stabbed Phil to death? I think he'd rather just become a robot with him.

Faces CGI mapped onto body doubles. If they could do it 14 years ago for Agent Smith, by now it's probably well within TV budgets.

May blew up a corridor leading into the landing bay, not the entire building. The rest of SHIELD will be fine unless the LMDs decide to kill them, which their programming should tell them not to do (but I wouldn't like to rely on that).

They've never given us the location of the current SHIELD base, or shown us the exterior. I think they've deliberately kept it vague, and this is some of the first real evidence of the outside world that we've had.

Agent VR Trooper

Thank goodness. I could have sworn he was the one who spotted that Fitz was a Fitzbot.

But not in time to save the day. Just at the most inconvenient moment possible, like in the middle of class a SHIELD meeting.

Also - and I can't believe I seem to be the first person to say this: RIP Agent Davies, dead of being too good at his job.

Only if he uses it as a car battery.

Did not make that connection. Presumably they would have been waiting in the containment cells.

She could stab him as well! Set him on fire! Beat him with blunt instruments!

"Hello, SHIELD friends, I am Agent Ward. I am here to look handsome and betray people. Skye, would you like to go out on a date with me?"

That was straight out of Terminator 2.

I'm pretty certain the average live-action comic book features better medical procedure than the average hospital drama.

Speculation time: Simmons' one regret is that she didn't fake her own death and go off to… uh… fight this world's Hydra from the shadows, possibly in alliance with Bobbi and Hunter.

If that means we get an Eliza Dushku guest arc, I would be absolutely down for that.

She's definitely called Vasquez on one show or the other. Or possibly both.

I'm thinking in this world Hydra took over SHIELD and May is now part of the internal resistance. She's engaged in a covert war against a vast and unbeatable enemy - it's basically her Valhalla.

I'm still holding out that Coulson was doing exactly that. "Why do we fear them? Okay, does that actually make sense to any of you?"