
"A human", Dennis? That's one of the deadliest hitmen in the Caprican underworld, and probably the only man ever killed by an adorable redhead armed with a metronome.

I think he said something to the effect of "if I'd had my gun with me my wife wouldn't be dead", presumably because he thinks he could have just shot Drug Dealer Stereotype Man while the guy was holding a gun to his wife's head and using her as a human shield.

Deputy Deputy Mayor Rene looks like one of those things that get thrown in because they realised just how good the actors are together.

China White is back? That's great. I don't think we've seen her since the Hong Kong flashbacks, and she deserves a better ending.

Felicity can't run over all of Oliver's terrible romantic choices with her van. She has other things going on, too.

Diggle and Dinah had me trying to remember if Layla was still around, because there seemed to be some chemistry there.

Is it just me, or was Councilwoman Gunrights kind of disappointed that she wasn't going to get to spend all night "debating" with Mayor Handsome?

And how does one earn the title of "head master"?

Come on, man, evil clowns have been done to death.

I don't know who Sarah Clarke is, but are you sure you're not confusing her with Sarah Chalke?

… And I'm now trying to draw an elaborate connection between Clancy Brown being in Starship Troopers alongside Michael Ironside, who played a teacher with only one hand in that movie (and a non-teacher who lost both in Total Recall).

Scream. You're probably better off not watching.

Not to propagate a stereotype here, but puppets are notoriously inefficient money managers. I bet he blew it all on linseed oil and puppet hookers.

I mostly know LeVar Burton from that one episode of Community he played himself in. But Troy helpfully explained that I should know him from Reading Rainbow.

That was a great half-season, though. He was one of the two best things about the show (the other being the soundtrack, half of which was diegetic music played in his club).

The last show I watched that had a predatory sexy teacher banging a vulnerable precocious pupil, the teacher ended up getting his hand cut off and then burned alive.

That'd be a cool twist. Of course, then she'd be expected to heroically sacrifice herself to save the real May - but I wouldn't be too surprised if this show found a way out of that.

My option: They kill Radcliffe's body, but his mind lives on in the Framework so they can bring him back as an occasional guest star. He's cool with having his body dead, because as far as he's concerned he has transcended frail humanity in order to shack up with Agnes.

The D part stands for "Decoy", so I think to qualify as an LMD it just needs to be good enough to stand up to a casual inspection, maybe carry on a conversation.

So… they're going to cast Lucius Vorenus, but as a lawyer this time, and then waste him by not having him stab anybody?