
Anyone who's okay with other people being in Hell should not be in Heaven.

I was about to ask which doucheface, then I remembered Daxamite Chad. I'd managed to forget him over the last few weeks.

Obligatory: Kelly who?


I haven't caught up with Supergirl since Christmas, and thinking about it yesterday I realised it's almost entirely Jimmy's fault - his "I want to be a Hero" plot was just so bad. But Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor was both intriguing and under-used.

It's okay, bro. FantFourStic hurt us all.

Ziyi Zhang is also pretty much flawless, or at least she was last time I saw her in anything.

If anybody knows less than Jon Snow, it's Charlie Kelly.

Why have I not encountered the term "quakeslapping" before?

To completely reverse that effect, watch some Black Sails.

He's going to come back, learn an Inhuman killed his sister, and have so much internal conflict.

The Fanlore wiki lists Bowtie, Blackhawk, Phlint, and Shieldhusbands.

Simmons sure wasn’t mincing words about her assessment on Mace’s physical. You’ll never be Captain America, ouch.

Weirdly (or perhaps not) the most popular fanfic pairing for Coulson still seems to be with Hawkeye, by a considerable margin.

Mace: "What's my role on the team?"
Coulson: "You're like when I hung out with the Avengers. So, basically, you're going to die to inspire the rest of us."

I saw it, in the cinema, with my history class from school.

I loved Shameless (the US version), but had to give up a year or two back, mostly because of Lip's affair with one of his teachers and Fiona falling in love with her junkie boss.

The food isn't as pretty to look at as the last two people-eating monster shows I enjoyed, but the rest of it is pretty great.

Liam McIntyre, despite the contradictory claims of everyone else on this list, is Spartacus. Just not quite as Spartacus as Andy Whitfield was.

Well, that answers that question.