
She may be disappointed when they tell her she can't keep trophies from her prey.

Hey, even ruthless murderers can have manners.

Also, does anybody else now want an episode which is just Maze hunting humans while babysitting Trixie?

Please, Lucifer, don't go the Castle route of having the lady detective's parent's murder be part of some grand secret conspiracy which must be unpicked over the course of many many humourless episodes that eventually make us give up on the show. There were holes in this resolution, but I don't think we need to go

You want to say no to Lyanna Mormont? Because that little bear cub will fu… mess your stuff up.

Yeah, but would they really respect a man who can't even make money out of casinos?

Low energy Daenerys can't even keep control of one slave city. Queen Cersei would destroy the Sons of the Harpy within a month of taking power.

Truly, he is a rule-breaking maverick who exists to shake up the system.

Hapsburg royalty?

I think most people here are too old to be Tributes, and we all know teenagers suck. Would Hunger Games really be such a bad thing?

If monkeys are so happy then how come they spend so much time shitting in their hands and then throwing it at people?

6. In The Colosseum - Tom Waits

That message being: "Fuck you, I'm the queen."

Anything is better than living in suspense.

Good luck, America. Please try to get this over with quickly and cleanly, because the rest of us are all holding our breath.

Okay, here's how it works:

Jean Grey has been dead for over 12 years now.

Well, let's see, the entire ninja plot of the back half of season two was: Here are some ninja-y ninjas who like to resurrect dead guys. Here is the ninja who Daredevil ninja'd to death last season, back ninja-ing because the bad guys can ninja-resurrect the fucking dead. Here are the ninjas being obsessed with the

Best TV dad: Rick Castle, at least for the first few seasons.