
"Dolph, I will happily answer all of your questions, but first of all could you please put some pants on?"

What are the odds of Legends of Tomorrow managing to work in a Haunted Tank reference?

I have to confess… I've been British my entire life, and lived in England for most of it, and I still couldn't tell any two accents apart beyond "vaguely posh" and "definitely working class".

The show can't afford the $15,000 of cocaine and three ocelots that have to be in his trailer at all times.

All peanut butter is disgusting filth, shat out by demons with IBS.

"Well, gee, Director, I wanted to help you fight the unstoppable hellfire-beast that burns people alive and is invulnerable to bullets, but you said you had it. I realised I had to selflessly put my personal desires aside out of respect for the chain of command."

We're also not getting any fallout on what we know everybody now knows - his recent outing as an Inhuman. I mean, they could have easily used that to up the pressure on him and explain his actions this episode. "Now that I've gone public, Phil, I have to make sure SHIELD is cleaner than clean. We can't give them…

Ooh, I hope she is going to meet Senator Nadeer.

Well, he rode a motorcycle, and there was no shotgun in sight. That's about it for clues.

When Simmons was called away to do a special favour for the US government, I half expected her to ask: "You have warned them I'm British, right?"

The Rock and George Carlin.

Maybe it's like a politics thing. Like, the Slut Party of the USA suffered an internal schism, and divided into the Real Slut Party, the Continuity Slut Party, the American Slut Party, the Party of American Sluts, and the Slutty People's Front.

I shudder to think of what form the gatekeeping necessary to keep "fake sluts" out of that party must consist of.

Yeah, David Schwimmer is nobody's favourite anything. Although I still maintain that Phoebe was worse.

Given the proper meaning of the term "Bucket List", I think we can safely conclude that Alan is going to push his luck when he attempts to brutally murder this "Tanya" person on her 40th birthday.

The death of Rita was pretty much the only thing in that finale that I didn't love, and I'm still hoping that season three opens with: "So the bullet just miraculously glanced off her skull?" "Yep, and now she's my kind-of-evil zombie roomie."

And money, which can be used to buy more candy, and sex toys.

The young woman in the bikini queuing for waffles or whatever was clearly thinking: "I have so many things to say about these queue-jumping assholes, but I'm only an extra so I literally have no voice."

And Gabriel Chase in the AV Club is named after the haunted house in the classic Doctor Who episode Ghost Light (spoiler alert: Turns out it was aliens), which is like a first generation sci-fi horror reference.

Tori Black was also extremely pretty and fresh-faced, so they may have felt it necessary to point out that she had other qualities.