
Some of us are still in denial. Because fuck Ramsay Snow in his stupid leering dog-chewed face.

Jenny McCarthy did work well as a mute enabler for one of Christopher Walken's more disturbing roles, the quadriplegic Man With The Plan in the otherwise mostly unmemorable* Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead.

Wait, you don't mean… Dolorous Edd? But he was the best of them.

Well, Nymeria Sand is known to have threesomes with the Fowler twins. Jeyne and Jennelyn.

Final twist in the series: Daenerys and Cersei meet face to face, but because they're also both Sarah Connor when they touch they merge together into a horrifying amorphous blob, like Ron Silver in Timecop.

Well, your sister burned everybody she considered a threat alive, so… yes.

That's where you hack bits off the other person and stuff them in a sack, right?

The Sand Snakes were interesting in the books.

Only Ser Pounce can save us now.

I really want the dragons to die in the end. If the show finishes with Daenerys ruling because everybody's too terrified of being burned alive to say no to her, that's a shitty ending.

Why do you need an ambush when you've got a motherfucking dragon?

I seriously doubt Trump has ever come second.

The LEAVE BRITNEY JARED ALONE continued? I'm scared to go look.

He's at the perfect intersection of precocious kid, angsty kid, and spoilt rich kid. How could we not hate him?

Or… hang on, I can do this… a show about helping really bad writers improve the quality of their prose, called Sympathy for the Drivel.

666 seasons and a Revelation!

It's not that it's gross, more that you may have trouble looking away.

That's probably a good thing, because if you'd tried watching the last couple of episodes your food would have got cold.

Ah, yes, Piper Perabo played Mrs Angier, AKA The One Who Isn't Scarlett Johansson or Rebecca Hall.

When Evil Lincoln goes to see Our American Cousin, it is the actors who are scared.