
A black comedy about school shootings which ends with a suicide bombing? That sounds just the sort of thing America is ready for.

Heh. Because tit-ular.

To quote one of my favourite comic book characters: "Three words for you, chump: Back and off."

Whenever a hero gets captured and hung up like that (as happened to Oliver back in season one), I'm reminded of the Birds of Prey storyline in which some actually intelligent bad guys managed to capture Black Canary, and the first thing they did was break both her legs, so she wouldn't be able to pull off the

Okay, so Diggle wants to be punished, he wants to do penance, etc. But does that somehow make him cool with the actual murderous corrupt general getting away with it? Because that seems like something he should be concerned about.

Emily belongs with Richard, forever.

Zoe and Wash in Firefly (no, we will not discuss the Incident here). Radically different personalities that compliment each other perfectly, at least once he lost that terrible moustache.

I've never heard of Marla Maples, but now that I've googled her it's pretty obvious why she'd be riding high in the listings.


It taught us that men will put up with a lot for a chance to look at Kat Dennings in a tight waitress uniform.

But only one of them used a stunt double.

They succeeded in making Thea into a cool and interesting character.

And Hive didn't really turn up as a character until about ten episodes into the season.

I want to present an argument for "whosoever", but I'm really not sure what the rules are.

She's back on board with SHIELD now, which means she can start getting hugs from Coulson and awkward handshakes and shoulder pats from Fitz and Simmons and contemptuous "stop whining and kick ass" growls from May.

Some people need a routine to get them through the day.

She got attacked by an alien tentacle monster, and her response was to make it into breakfast. Gemma Simmons is not something to fuck with.

That's horrible. I mean, I appreciate that they're loathsome pieces of human scum who routinely destroy people's lives in the most horrifying way imaginable, but do they have to be such dicks about it?

But who's going to let him out of the fridge? It could be days before the prison is running normally, and then they go to get the milk for breakfast and find him curled up there, shivering.

I loved that little moment of Coulson climbing into a full dumpster, and May just closing the lid on hers. Still, climbing up those chutes can't have been much fun.