
Actually, they are the rules set by the queens, which the rest of us know considering them blathering on about them constitutes about 30% of every show.

What a clever comeback! It's clear YOU understand comedy with the way you're bringing it!

The problem is that Phi Phi isn't self-aware enough to know how she comes off. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being strategic. But she just always has this TONE when she speaks. So her reasoning for eliminating Alyssa was perfectly fine. But she just wouldn't shut up about it and then THAT FUCKING TONE. She

Please. All they need is Alaska in the Finals and we'll all be there. She's the only one who's brought it every week.

That's not how the non-All-Stars seasons work. Why should this one be any different?

And throw away $10,000? These bitches ain't RuPaul rich. Hell, most of them probably aren't Assistant Manager at McDonald's rich.

And for someone who's supposed to be a funny queen, she didn't get anywhere near funny. And that's inexcusable no matter what character she chose to play.

Plus, she made the hand-motions of a sash, so she clearly knew what she was allegedly talking about. I'm about 70% at thinking it was all made up.

"Satire" by definition is supposed to be funny. If you found any of this "satire" funny, that's more about you than this reviewer. A "B' was far too generous for this clusterfuck of unfunny.

I would've sent Alyssa home solely for the fact that she wasn't playing by the rules the rest of them had set up. And she damn well knew it, hence all her half-assed queensplaining she was doing after the fact. Whoever doesn't follow the rules set up by the majority can't be trusted, and if you can't trust a bitch,

The person who deserves to win the show is the person who does the best on the show. Period. Whether they "need" the win is irrelevant. This is an entertainment competition show, not a Jerry Lewis telethon.

I wouldn't say I "hated" Chad, but I was also not as impressed as RuPaul clearly was. It's fine to have some impersonations under your belt, but for it to be the vast majority of your act? That's less drag than a vaudeville act.

OMG, peeps need to read a few of the posts before pounding out some missive. "Clearly I'm the only person who remembers that it was Willam and NOT Sharon Needles!" 486 comments and 485 of them are about fucking Willam.

The only orange juice I've seen in the unrefrigerated juice aisle is "orange juice" like Sunny D.

All that stuff happened BEFORE she chose to be on the show. Why would anyone go on this show if they had a horrible year personally? That's like that one bitch on Survivor All-Stars who had to go home because her mother was dying. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SIGN UP IN THE FIRST PLACE?

I think another non-mentioned issue is the juice aisle at your local grocery store. There are a zillion delicious, equally-healthy choices there, none of which are orange juice. AND they don't have to be refrigerated like OJ does! Add to that the existence of juice boxes, which are not only how many kids now get their

I think it's her "acting". Chemistry is a skill that a lot of actors never perfect.

OMG, she TOTALLY gives a fuck about what people think of her. That's one of the tenets of narcissism. If she actually didn't give a fuck, she wouldn't be pointing out that important people actually said nice things about her. She would have talked about getting to meet all her fans, like every other queen on this show.

So how shocked were you when you found out those two are a couple in real life?

After the "cliffhanger" which suggested the return of Juliette, I hoped this would be the final season. That means there's going to be all kinds of love triangle stuff and It's going to be brutal watching her attempt to portray a human emotion for 13 episodes. After watching her unconvincingly stare at computer