
Hannibal was just never going to be a show that got great ratings. Had it been on cable, it would've been a niche cable show that probably would've gotten even got lower ratings. And it wouldn't have been nearly as beautiful due to a lower budget.

Completely forgetting how much of a cheerleader Michelle was for Adore in her season, huh?

I noticed that! And RuPaul was a billion times blurrier!

Sounds to me like she understands what's expected of her on this show better than most of the queens do. Because producers NEVER want judges to give each other stank face!

It's lazy for this show. If you come on Drag Race, you will be expected to do things that are outside your comfort zone. Considering she's already been through this, she's clearly being extremely lazy in the brain. If the queens on Fashion Photo Ruview are putting more effort into their drag FOR A YOUTUBE VIDEO, then

I'm not buying that at all. Adore wore a nice dress and a purple wig. That's NOT style. Period. She could be as messy and as sloppy as she wanted but if she actually had a sense of fashion to it, Michelle wouldn't knock it. Bianca gave it to her? Yeah, and I'm sure she didn't want you to do THAT to it!

That's happened to so many of the contesticles this time! Some of these queens used to be cute boys but their surgeries are definitely altering that. Adore used to be so damn cute but those lips? Yuck. And am I seeing a bunch of cheekbone implants? Because I don't recall so many of them looking this Crypt Keeperesque

I'd say it was the hand of someone who's watched a lot of reality television. Though I think she did it wrong. Screw talking to the Bottom Three. Talk to everyone and see who THEY would vote off, so whoever you send home can't be mad at you! "The tribe has spoken. I don't necessarily agree but it's not about me!"

Ehhh. Once I saw it was a talent show, I figured it'd be lucky to get beyond a B. Fortunately the workroom stuff was fun because very little on that stage interested me. It's nice to see queens have to be something more than fashion plates, but if I paid to see that show, I would've been mad there was no bar to help

And she was a dude in a dress.

Plus, her narcissism doesn't seem to be a product of editing. As witnessed by her appearance in last season's finale saying how she got "validation from people she's respected for years". Meaning, "I have NO respect for you commoners! Some famous person said he liked me and OF COURSE he wouldn't be saying that just to

Oh gawd no! As seen by the seasons where we had no say, Ru picks who she wants to pick regardless of how Man-in-a-Dress that bitch was. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about.

Hey, how about we shove EVERY superhero in a movie and make them all fight each other and the girls will all have big boobies but there will only be three of them and entire countries will be demolished but there won't be any dead bodies and they'll all pretend they don't know each other in the 50 other movies they'll

Or that Mary Steenburgen, when asked about his child-raping past, basically said, "He did his time!"

He actually was funny on the show. His problem was his "acting". But he is known for having an actual personality. It's lazy comedians that have perpetuated an alternate reality.


Sorry, but to lump all white people into "white America" and say we all have a disconnect with the experiences of black people?? That's kind of racist. To claim that all people of one color have had the same experiences? Also kind of racist. And to say news coverage is all about the white perspective? That's just

Your understanding of Breaking Bad is pathetic. The show was about a man making meth and how THAT affected everything around him. Your logic is like calling Arrested Development "How does a hungry seal affect a rich, white family?"

I get the feeling NOTHING is rushed and quicky-like in the books.

Have you seen some of my other novels - I mean posts? Sheesh! I love me a lot!