
A Confederate flag and that name? I'm surprised that troglodyte can type, let alone know how to upvote.

To get below an A, you have to find things that don't work. What hasn't worked lately? Even the scenes that are there to move the plot along - like Kim hinting that Jimmy needs to cover his tracks - are filled with character info that most shows just don't bother with. The scenes on this show don't start before they

Your ability to recognize good shows is a C- at best.

The song the truck driver was singing to at the beginning of the show.

Oh, gawd, that story is so stupid. Cohen is clearly someone who loves to torture his wife. She has said in the past that she never knows which character he's going to be in any given moment. He had his face in Mark Strong's crotch so I'm fairly certain he understands what acting entails.

Yeah, usually if you want to make a "real" biopic, the people involved with reality should almost never be involved with the retelling of it.

Look at that cock! Oh, and look at the ones on his shirt too!

Had the last two episodes matched the delivery of the pilot, even this mundane episode would have "popped and crackled". But it's like it's turned into a different show after that. Try to figure out where a Pitbull song would fit anywhere in this episode!

I have seriously not seen so much stupidity on a board. I expect better from the AV Club! People who wanted those two to fall in love are idiots. THIS IS A SCIENCE FICTION SHOW, NOT SOME IMBECILIC BONES CLONE. These were two people trying to keep the world from Armageddon, NOT TWO PEOPLE TRYING TO SLAM THEIR BODY

PLEASE! Ten years from now everybody will be going "Sleepy Hollow?? Was that a THING??"

Is this really the show that shows how "excellent" any actor is?

I had long gotten the idea that Beharie and Mison didn't get along. When the show was hot, they just never seemed to enjoy each other's company in interviews. Last year, she went to social media to complain about not being invited to do the DVD commentary. Which turned into a big racial thing. After that, her

You weren't vindicated for shit. The first season was really good. Because the show didn't maintain that level doesn't mean it was ALWAYS bad. You make about as much sense as this finale did.

When it comes to Betsy Ross, there is very little to be known. Many think she didn't sew the first flag, of course. But they really don't know a lot about her. Because she was a woman. American history was written by white men.

You forgot the word "mildly".

Really? Does the phrase "and Jessica Walter absolutely nails it" EVER need to be put into words?

I can't imagine they'd waste all that on a fake death. If they were going to have a fake death, I think they would've showed us Laurel's name on the tombstone and then had us wondering when death would come. Then being surprised when it was a fake. NOT showing us the tombstone shifts the mystery from HOW Laurel dies

Extra upvote for writing even longer posts than I do!

Leonard then snaps Karrie Pate's neck. The Hap & Leonard finale gets an A!