
Well, this one's much worse! I was on the fence last week - having read the books and finally realizing I wasn't going to see anything resembling the books in this show - but this episode was rambling, aimless and boring. James Purefoy is now officially awful. Whoever decided to list Christina Hendricks as "Special

Oh yeah, except for the little part where he wrote "I strongly disagree with that sentiment".

I myself was thinking Roseanne probably did the weed thing the best. So I went back to watch it. The only thing funny about the entire scene is Jackie's surprise tub appearance. I think that episode is remembered more for its bravery than for it actually being funny.

Yet still horribly unfunny.

I took my first pill on a plane to help me sleep. Instead I got a horrible case of vertigo and the cold sweats for TWO HOURS. Why won't my Dr give me Valium anymore???

People onscreen getting high?

Maybe the monster had his heart on the opposite side! So there!

That was obviously not a choice since they painfully edited in the bitchface right after she clearly noticed the Leftenant. I wondered if it was maybe a little historical context as the Ross family was known to own slaves. That could be an interesting thing to bring to that character.

I just realized the leads in Terriers had a more Hap-and-Leonard relationship than the ones actually in Hap and Leonard!

Nothing would make me happier than if this show put every single Lansdale book on the bestseller list. He may not write about stuff that Oprah likes, but he is still one of our most gifted storytellers.

Which is why I'm excited that there won't be one!

So the fact that the vast majority of women in Marvel movies are all girlfriends who show up only to be worried about their men isn't sexist? The fact that these women all constantly need to be saved by men isn't sexist? The fact that the females in the posters in this movie are either seen hanging onto a man or

I used to think that too, but these guys have made so many unnecessary changes to the books, that I changed my mind. In the books, Theon is barely a character through many of them. His castration is mentioned as an offhand remark by other characters. On the show his torture was shown for like 150 episodes in a row!

So, in your world the only sexist thing a man can do is rape a woman? I hope to FUCK you are not dating.

Well, start reading the book the rest of us are reading. Anyone in America who isn't white is a "person of color" now. Welcome back from the 60s.

I have a problem with that type of thing also, but it's not all that much of a spoiler, is it? Clearly this show was going down the path of people getting croaked all over the place. Besides, "half the cast" is an exaggeration.

I'd say no. The books are hilarious; the show isn't. In the books Hap is someone you want to spend time with; in the show Hap is a boring moron. In the books Hap & Leonard are badasses with a great friendship; in the show they are dumbasses who seem to kinda like each other. There are periods where the show is

Really? You're calling out a police-procedural-slash-zombie-drama for not having honest people? Both genres REQUIRE characters to be dishonest with each other! Even the guys who seem to have something to hide - persons of color Clive and Ravi - are keeping secrets and lying to people. EVERYONE on the show is dishonest

There is a bit of an argument to be had. Not in the fact that Game of Thrones has rape in the first place; it would be a little disingenuous to pretend a world in which women have no power are never raped. Rape is still prevalent today so imagine how prevalent it was back in Medieval times.

It's especially galling when all these unnecessary added scenes don't have Hap's words in them. What makes the books sing is Hap's narration. Novel Hap is someone you ENJOY spending time with, even when things get gruesome. TV Hap is boring and stupid. How much of that is the writing and how much of it is Purefoy is