
Because the writers knew the flashbacks were boring as shit so they added something stupid to "shock" us.

I don't know. I love Westlake but I tend to laugh out loud more reading me some Lansdale. When Hap got attacked by the rabid squirrel (Bad Chili) I had to repeatedly put the book aside due to stomach pains and crying. And that's the first chapter! Westlake is more of a constant chuckling, which isn't an insult by any

Nilla Wafer! Come on!

It's fun. That's a character he should really give a bunch of books to. Christina Hendricks would be great for that role.

I think the pace of the show hurts too. Hap and Leonard are hilarious, but their antics come off a little dry here. I also want to complain a little about this episode being called "The Bottoms", one of Lansdale's absolute best books. Which is about kids "solving" the murder of a black woman in a world full of racism.

The Hap & Leonard books get gruesome also. But there's no better writer that can go from that to laugh-out-loud scenes. His Drive-In books aren't too gruesome. But do yourself a favor and read Lost Echoes or A Fine Dark Line. They're more like mysteries with more depth and feeling than in 99% of the books ever written.

I wouldn't bet on that. The Governor was played by a great actor with a lot of charisma and yet the show inexplicably ended up making us forget why we hated Lori so much. At this point any villain is going to be more of the same, because it's not like this show has a lot of options for villain motivation. "Ooooh, this

It's especially stupid because Carol was pretty much the ONLY character who has had a realistic character arc in the entire show. Why screw with one of the few things you've actually done right?

Shockingly, people all over the world still carry children with no doctor intervention, many of whom deal with malnutrition and stress. And I have a feeling very few of them have writhing-on-the-floor pain at the 2-month mark. Then again, real-life pregnant women aren't reading from poorly-written scripts.

If Georgia's Governor doesn't veto the anti-gay law on his desk, TWD said they'll pull out. But they certainly won't be filming in DC. Too difficult to shut down almost any area of that place.

The thing is, with comic books in general, they aren't necessarily good storytelling devices. Nerds will tell you differently, but they are basically the same as someone handing you photographs and telling you a little about them. They tend to leave out the best parts of the books - character's thoughts and

No, he's ambiguously Jewish.

But does Batman talk menacingly via a very-serious underbite?

It's not as radical as saying "Jolene" but I pick "I Will Always Love You". Best Little Whorehouse is a mostly awful movie with a mostly awful performance by Burt Reynolds, but when she sings that song to him, I was all, "OMG, she DOES love him!" Hearing Whitney Houston scream her way through the song without any

The show went out of its way to make Claire FEEL like she wasn't as hot. Phil is clearly still attracted to her, but the show has also shown that he is attracted to other women and Claire isn't a big fan of that. Which is actually about the most realistic thing on a show where two MEN married to each other never even

Was the original actually called "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"?? I swore it was called "Racism Is ADORABLE".

Yet she:

Gawd, I probably shouldn't dive into this clusterfuck but how about a perspective which DOESN'T pretend that the only usage of the word existed in NYC? Shall we?

I think the biggest problem with what went on here is that a bunch of white people were encouraged to do ghetto stereotypes. Which, if someone isn't very good at it, CAN come off as being a little racist. "Oh, is THAT how you think we act?!?!" Especially considering this came AFTER the season where Phi Phi O'Hara

I've read in several places that they're given a bunch of themes for dresses, more than they'll need. I'm sure they were told "70s Disco" or something similar without being told they would actually be rollerskating.