

Yet, he somehow EXPLAINED what the problem was. But apparently in your world EVERYTHING is black or white and NOTHING has nuance. (Or definitions, but whatevs.)

ALWAYS? Really? Because white people have NO CLUE what might or might not be offensive? That right there is straight-up RACIST.

A lot of people thought that. You do realize hypothesizing is not the same as predicting, right? Your logic needs a little… logic.

It seems that a lot of the older queens genuinely like Bianca (at least from the billion YouTube videos of Bianca and ______ "reading", including a funny one with Bob), who means she doesn't have the reputation in the community Acid Betty apparently does. But Bianca also talks shit about herself on a regular basis,

I don't think that was necessarily the case. I believe the double-elimination was a definite plan, but they wouldn't have done it if someone hadn't turned it out, like what happened in Week 1 and this week. In fact, considering the returning contestant was just Naysha, it seems to me that a double-elimiation was

I agree with you totally, but unfortunately that stuff took up maybe ten minutes of the entire show. Watching Bob enter and tear up that Empire shit was AWESOME, but it didn't make me forget the boring crap that happened before it. The inability of the other queens to rise above that script makes me a little scared

And I'm sure they'll throw another Emmy at it and not even bother nominating an actual funny show

Because men married to hot women are NEVER attracted to anybody else ever and hot women are NEVER jealous of other hot women?

ESPECIALLY all the homophobic Cam stereotyping. NOTHING is funnier than watching a gay man hit a dozen emotions in one scene and topping it off with a good wailing crying session at the end!

The stupidest thing about all this Felicity nonsense is that everyone bitched and moaned about how dark and grumpy everyone was last year. So the solution to those complaints was to make the ONE genuinely happy character miserable?

Considering the majority of the episode was that damn RuCo thing, and the script on that was pretty awful, it's not surprising it got a low grade. The only thing that made that tolerable was the stuff Bob brought to it. Cuz that was some atrocious shit!

Damn, this week finally proved that there are definitely some queens that still need weeding out. Kim Chi's neverending ability to have NO abilities is growing tiresome. Did they end up short of 100 queens and just pull some dude from the crew? Unsurprisingly, Derrick seems to have no abilities other than looking like

Okay, the thing that I was most excited about in this reviewcap was mentioning that fucking tie. It was especially galling because her other outfits were so on point this episode. And I'm not one to usually even notice outfits! That said, I tend to notice Watson's on this show because her stylist is usually

I respectfully disagree. They said it was smart of her to come up with a character to cover for her limitations. She actually got kudos for her performance if you recall. Sending someone home because she can't dance isn't what this show is about. She also was applauded for her outfit, which is about 75% of what this

That was The Grammarist. I was just the messenger.

At least Laila somewhat understood the emotions of the song. Dax might as well have been lip-syncing Kung Fu Fighting. Which, by the way, I would totally watch.


Maybe, maybe not. But mansplaining is explaining something to a woman in a condescending manner because the man obviously knows the woman couldn't know anything about that subject. If he was explaining math to her, that could be mansplaining. Nobody can EVER mansplain celebrity trivia. Using it in this situation IS a

He wasn't treating her like a lowly woman. Bringing their sexes into it is the only anti-gender thing going on here!