
Okay, way behind because the reviews weren't all that. Seriously, Carter, this is the best you could do knowing full well you only had to put out six episodes? This is all you had after five billion years to think about it? And he didn't even write the only truly good episode this "season". The worst part that all

Awwww. Is someone butthurt that his beliefs aren't being matched by the rest of the populace? If Trump becomes president maybe he will make differing opinions against the law.

They kept trying after Monica/Chandler. Remember him and Rachel? They hinted at that in Season 8 and then dragged it out throughout Season 9 and finally pulled the trigger at the end of that season and into the 10th. But when they realized he was getting his own show, they nipped that in the bud. He couldn't take a

Gawd, when they had her saying something during the photo shoot I thought, "Still speaks as if she's reading off a very slow teleprompter." Rupaul, STOP trying to make us believe you picked the correct winner. Send her to wherever you keep Tyra when she isn't working her shift at Walmart.

Someone can be a good dancer, but maybe when that person is presented with choreography. Or, you know, actually thinks about it beforehand. Knowing that she didn't bring an MP3 player and didn't know the words (I did see her cover her mouth), means she put absolutely zero preparation into this. And it showed.

It wasn't horrible. More like generic. It's shocking to me that she brought nothing to the lip-sync AND she couldn't sew. And she was 31!!! Those are the things the children on this show do! It's usually the 21-year-olds who think that being pretty is all they need to destroy the competition. She seemed nice, but that

Season 7 could have jettisoned at least ten of those losers!

Nope. I come here to see which one or two sketches are worth watching, thereby saving me about 80 minutes of misery every week. Though I unfortunately watched that Arab shit to be able to pass judgment properly.

They actually HAVE figured Raj out… when they let him be the nerdy metrosexual that has been the basis of his best scenes. The problem here is that 99% of sitcoms have a burning desire to emulate Friends: every character nust be in luuuuuuv by the series finale. Heaven forbid one character be happy being single.

I'm not offended by this stupidity. Being offended is for pussies. I was simply pointing out that using two Middle Eastern guys was bigoted because so many simple fixes - like one of them being Asian or putting them in suits and bushy beards instead of those telltale thawbs - would've taken it right out of bigotry

Because when Mary gave birth, she fainted delicately at the first labor pain and awoke to a clean, washed, not-crying baby. Childbirth was NOT messy!

The first episode ALWAYS has a bunch of untalented pageant girls and one-trick wonders who you KNOW will be gone in the first half of the season. The runway usually has many contenders for lip-syncing. The fact that this episode really only had two truly bad outfits and two minimal efforts is something I don't think

After last season, it couldn't help but seem strong!

That fits. Wikipedia calls it a spin-off and doesn't list it in the episode count. I'd question its inclusion, but they weren't going to open Season 8 on "Episode 100" without doing so, so whatevs.

I would still argue that the writers don't know EXACTLY what they are doing, because I still have problems with those two scheming episodes they put next to each other. That said, this episode was pretty genius. For those two episodes I said they needed to watch out or they were going to make her the villain, thereby

I'm not sure if it's been said - because 381 comments - but making this the "100th episode" took some creative math. Season One was 9 episodes. Two was 12. Three was 16. Four through Seven were all 14. That's 93. That would make this Episode 94. So where are these missing six episodes???

You realize that is also in AFRICA, right, you fucking genius?

Kanye West was bought for a dictator's grandson's wedding in ASIA. He looks nothing like these two.


Would it have changed the sketch AT ALL if they were an African dictator and an Asian dictator? No. Specifically choosing TWO Middle Eastern dictators when any other type of dictator would've sufficed shows that their Middle Easternness WAS important to the writers of the sketch. THAT'S what makes it bigoted.