
Well, I'm not dumb enough to think you would admit that Nominating Hillary Clinton was what got us into this mess in the first place. Rather than admit that you made a mistake when you chose that miserable failure as your Candidate you have to live in a pathetic Nightmare World in which most of the American people are

Sure it is. Anybody is better than Hillary Clinton.

You forgot 4) - You are too smart to Vote for an evil piece of shit like Hillary Clinton.

Where did you get that crap? That never happened.

Ralph's solution for everything seemed to always be violence? Name one act of violence committed by Ralph on "The Honeymooners". One. Just one.

Well, it's funnier than Stephen Colbert so who cares what you think.

Dutch Masters sponsored Kovac's final Shows on ABC. Before that Kovacs hd a deal with ABC where they gave him Twenty Five Thousand Dollars to Produce a thirty minute Show and whatever Money was left would be Kovac's Salary. And then Kovacs would go off and spend Forty Thousand Dollars on the Show so he would be in

At least Jackie was presented as a Goofy Ass Loser who was an important part of the Show's sleazy atmosphere. All this shit about Lange being a Super Talented Comedian is just pathetic.

I couldn't believe Stern gave that piece of shit a regular job on his Show. All the funny Comedians in the World and he hires Artie Lange. I bet Stern did it to piss off all the Comics, like when Sinatra hired Joey Bishop as his regular opening act.

In the CBS Ernie Kovacs Biopic Jeff Goldblum as Ernie gets Bad News, goes inside the bathroom, and rips the sink out of the wall. A SIDE OF JEFF WE NEVER SAW BEFORE!

I was going to make Espresso!

The ladies can suck my dick. The gentlemen can wash my collection of German Sports Cars.

Sol is The Man!

They can all suck my dick.

I am truly startled that someone has disagreed with my post.

I'm making a Fortune.

Elvis' Parents were every liberal's cartoon vision of worthless white trash. Elvis was too smart to live like that. And George Romero just fucked up.

No. It's just stupid.

Congradulations. You got more dirt on Trump with this than Rachel Maddow did in her whole Show about his Taxes. If you were a really Good little Leftie you would have sent to her as a Pity Gift.

Damn, I wish I could make up that stuff!